Better Ladder? Just extract the data with excel, copy, paste into a template, and save the file here in excel format

Can you make the ladder better and more like the POE ladder for example:

  1. Can you show different ladders like Solo Character Found Rankings and Solo Account Found? (so differentiate between them by using a better filter)
  2. Can you break out by Sub-Classes? so we can filter
  3. I think its only broken out by soft and hardcore, can you expand that?
  4. Can you show more than the top 30? We should be able to look ourselves by name

There should be a way to extract character data and update it at least daily and load it onto the site. And create some filters. If anyone someone can just copy paste it into an excel file template that has filters and then load it onto the site here. We can just download the excel and view it on the table if you can put it into a webpage or dont have the manpower.

Is there an ETA on a better ladder? Literally just have someone extract the info and save an excel file everyday for us to view via file/save…

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