Looks amazing. Can’t wait
Let’s go!
Looks awesome can’t wait!!
Congrats guys
Cool gratz ! I’m starving !
Awesome stuff keep up the good work. The Monolith of Fate will mobs scale with our level or is it a true end game mode available those that hit lvl 100?
But I really really hope to be able to play Rogue soon…Falconer and Bladedancer all the way!
And I would love more news about the offline/solo mode…need to know if modding is a thing…
Getting the Rogue ready is a lot of work, as releasing her without the availability of mastery classes or multiple skill specialization trees would be underwhelming.
We certainly hope so!
It’s not something we’ll have time to provide official support for prior to release.
also please let us increase the mob density if play solo or let us mod it as offline mode is something I to would like to know more info about.
@Sarno No problem,I can wait !
I need to work on my Lich build ^^
And I’m a new Primalist too xD
I love the new Primalist class…never played the old one…but with the new trees it’s a lot of fun!!!
Don’t worry, I’m prepared!
Hype, Hype, Hype !!! Good job everyone, can’t wait for beta and see the game bloom !!!
I am thrilled to be a tester of this game. Congratulations and lots of luck with your Steam release.
Finally! Great, I can’t wait to try this! Good job, I hope it will get even better for the final realization
Nice, excited to play the beta!
Finally!! Waiting for sooooo looooong! <3
Hooooray! I’m excited.
Nice announcement & trailer!
I reinstalled today after quite a long time (no really, I hadn’t played since the demo) and the progress is great. Can’t wait to play it up on Steam, keep it up guys!
I’m happy to be a supporter since kickstarter started and the wait has paid it’s efforts, congratulations to the Last Epoch Team, this month will end with a really nice game release!
Im excited to be part of the Alpha team! And cant wait to see all that comes next
I cant wait !