Beta 0.9j Patch Notes

I watched that video and the cryomancer has no projectile anymore.

If im not mistaken, this is a huge nerf to roidmage build? The build no longer ‘clears’ with its frost bolts, but only has a single target attack, meaning it can’t clear by himself anymore because it has no aoe / splash?

Am i getting this right?

Can we get some reduction to the damage output on some of these higher end mobs? Taking as much damage reduction as I can/has dropped for me, and still getting constantly one shot. Between Online latency, and speed of these attacks, getting out of the way of a lot of things isn’t working well. Or just flat out getting one shot from off screen with no indicators.

lightning meteor visual has problem with fire and lightning at the sametime.

Ring of Shields.

Known issue, not intended.

Or option #3, it’s a bug. They happen in games, not sure if you’ve noticed.

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no se como será en otros idiomas, pero los hispano hablantes tenemos bastantes problemas con el tema del filtro de lenguaje, acepta algunos “insultos” y te bannea algunas palabras sin sentido… y mas cuando en Español usamos muchos insultos son de buen rollo así que nos habéis quitado mas de la mitad de las formas de expresarnos :rofl:

any chances in the near feature for a fix to totems (thorn totems and storm totems) stopping to attack when we press “A” key?

I don’t see increased damage per shadow with shadow cascade, is a pity… Armor shred duration still doesn’t work in rogue idol affixes.

The character sheet is still completely broken, weapon attack speed (the more/less multiplier based you weapon’s base speed…) is still either not working or not shown on the character sheet.

Still shift has a stuck in place effect at the start.

You guys remember rogue exists as a playable class, yeah?

Anyways thanks for the constant updates. Keep up the good work.

We don’t prioritize classes for hot fixes, it’s more that we have a lot of moving parts happening at once. I can see how sometimes patch notes could look odd but that is because we have multiple departments working on different projects all the time. The necromancer minions adjustments were to supplement vfx improvements/projectile clarity in combat (we are also aware that for some players they are not working correctly). Our goal is when we do vfx pushes like this, we also try to optimize as we go so we don’t have to return to optimize it later in another pass.

We are still working on trying dungeon bug fixes and sorry to hear that playing with 4 players feels rough right now. I guarantee that we are trying to improve that experience with optimization pushes with every hotfix (just like this one) which will also be helping in group play.


I think I might have found the root cause of this, which we have a fix in the pipeline for. What abilities do you have on your action bar when this crash happens? I would like to double check to confirm our fix will address this case as well.

I have Hammer Throw, Rebuke, Smite, Lunge and Forge Strike.

Same crash for me. Forge Guard.
I have: Forge Strike, Shield Bash, Lunge, Smite, Rive

Edit: just crashed on a Spellblade on a Surge. It might be any movement/teleport skill.

Ah, thanks. I knew I’d feel foolish for not knowing it. lol

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Thank you. Yes, i believe we found the cause of this. We will try to get the fix in as soon as we can. It’s unfortunately being triggered by having lunge and smite on your bar.

@Llama8 to the rescue as usual. No need to feel foolish. Dont worry about the abbreviations, I have 2k+ hours in the game and still have to double check when someone uses a shortcut. Just wait till someone uses a sub-skill node abbreviation - sometimes I think they are talking about a aged cheese.


Just tried multi-player for the first time since the patched dropped. It is SO MUCH SMOOTHER! Great stuff. Looks like the memory leak fix actually stopped most of it too. Very pleased w the patch.

PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ fix rogue backflips. There are multiple nodes I will not take due to clunkiness. Can we just turn it into a lunge or something else that does work in the shortterm? Do we have issues with teleport? Maybe just make it a teleport animation? Love the game, thanks for the hard work team!

i have sometimes a problem that all enemies become immortal and i too.
not sure if not taking dmg or insane health regen. loading a new zone doesn’t fix it.
it onely happen when i play on my bleed hammer throw paladin.

Known bug with Sigils of Hope. The devs are aware of it but haven’t been able to fix all instances of it.

ha i see. wasn’t sure if it was known. thanks for the reply :kissing:

No fix to Scorpion baby skill nodes?