Beta 0.8.4c Patch Notes

Now you are just bastardising one of my favourite quotes… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Asimovs atoms just lost an electron…

Why both? I was just joking with Zero. I think this Forum should stay in english and maybe at release once more localizations come to the game we will get different forum categories for different languages. We already have the discord channel and fan website to help each other out.

300% more!

It’s awesome & can get to lvl 90 monos with bad gear.

Played for a few hours using extra multiple blades on throw, its great as the explosion throw doesnt recall

Just spamming throw I can hit about 270k ticks, when I use Smoke Bomb, 2x Sync Strike with Bladeshield Shurikens I can very briefly hit 1m poison

You can also take the increase damaged per time the knives were on the floor, stack up a huge knife piles under Orobyss and remove big chunks of its hp immediately

Yeah, I can hit ~1.2-1.5m poison & it’s fairly consistent and mana free. If I could be arsed to, I’d kill the training dummy.

Have also killed the Shade with him only getting 1 skill off (in normal monos with 0 corruption). Spam knives while you’re waiting for him to spawn, then pop smoke & keep spamming, mo Dusk Shrouds, mo DoTs.

Oh my god, no wonder! I was really frustrated that my casting vines weren’t benefiting from the +4 spell damage. That makes so much more sense.

no DoTs, 50 dkp penalty.

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yes forum robot it is a complete sentence /// or thought ///

Just finished a sandswept temple, and one of the mobs (couldn’t figure out which) was causing the weird audio glitches that I was getting with upheaval prepatch.
For more info, both this time and with upheaval prepatch it wasn’t so much stuttering like described as more like all sound just replaced with nails on a chalkboard, literally.