Beta 0.8.4c Patch Notes

Awesome, love that you guys already added the filtering for legendary potential. Might be a small detail but it’s something i was hoping for! :grin:

Hat dir Google Translate wieder geholfen? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Nein habs live im Stream auf Englisch geschrieben. Kannst dann das Vod anschauen

Great minds think alike.

The whut ? My attack speed was already pretty wack now i’m faster than my fans while running the game lol.

Edit: Also love the glyph changes

Fixed a bug where Werebear’s Swipe was attacking slower than intended. It now has 14% more attack speed to match normal Swipe.

Good to hear.

Next on the list:

Maul is bugged when speccing into Skull Crusher. Only a few nodes work and most dmg nodes dont work either.

EHGs hot fix bigger then Wolcens 6month patch release!

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Could you please post that in the bug reports section? That way it will get to the right people on the team.


Have you posted a bug report on this issue?

Edit: I see you added to McFluffin’s post I will move this there.

plus skill Affixes for new skills when? :frowning:

Great job guys thank you!!!

I’m still having sound issues after the patch. It doesn’t seem to be as severe as before, but after playing while using upheaval for a bit I start to get lots of popping and clipping.

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Can you help with the meaning a little bit? “Can” be sounds like there are certain conditions to be met. Currently, when my shadows throw their blades, sometimes their blades turn into a Bladestorm, sometimes not and the shadow itself drops a Bladestorm at the position where he expired. What do I have to do to have the thrown blades of my shadows turn into Bladestorms instead of my shadows? I can’t see the pattern.

Do you have more than 1 shadow? If that’s the case, you had exceeded the 3 max bladestorm limit as you cast bladestorm directly.


Nice, nice, and more nice.

Thanks for pumping out hotfixes! Looking forward to when the upheaval sound issue is resolved.

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And i’m still not sure why it mentions Removing the requirement for a spear.

  • Arm Blade slash doesn’t require a spear
  • Viper’s Call just uses the tree of Serpent strike, nothing in the tree requires a spear.

All stating “removes spear” requirement does if incorrectly imply that this node makes Armblade slash use Serpent Strike. Which it does not do. All this does is add to the confusion that people will then assume it gets:

  • increased poison chance
  • increased poison duration
  • Dexterity scaling for increased poison chance.

To me it makes more sense to clarify that it just gets the tree nodes, it doesn’t use the skill Serpent Strike at all.

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How I understand it should be:
Having Shadows and using Ubral Blades directly should have my shadows throw a Blade that then turns into a Bladestorm. This wasn’t the case before and is a new mechanic.

How it currently works: My Shadows throw their Blades and sometimes the thrown Blade by the shadow turns into a Bladestorm, sometimes not (and the shadow is turning into a bladestorm).

This happens no matter how many Shadows or Bladestorms I have up…

But I think I get, what happens:
The Bladestorms of my Shadows get instantly terminated, when my Shadows also drop a Bladestorm when they vanish…

If this is what you meant, thank you :slight_smile:

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Awesome! thank you dev team ;>

I actually wish they added it to the loot filter. Or maybe when the legendary drops you can see it on the text without having to hover your mouse over it.