Beta 0.8.1i Patch Notes

is 8GB ram enough? the game loads like forever, so sad…

Do you have the game installed on your SSD?


This. SSD makes more of a difference in loading times than anything else.


I’ve got an nvme never saw so much as a stutter loading anything in.

got no SSD, am using hybrid hard drive… sad.

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I’m having the same issue - I can no longer open the game as it crashes on the initial loading screen.

Any fix on this coming?

If you haven’t already, try verifying your files, a few people have reported success

Make automatic pick up of crafting gems. Just like a gold. It’s not hard

Being polite. It’s not hard either. Agree on the pick up tho.

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Last time I played I couldn’t for several weeks, I’m a casual player but lost interest after getting an update every time I wanted to play and just stared at a update progress bar for half an hour until I gave up several times. Sad to see it’s still happening, this update is completely unnecessary, should’ve been included in the next one.

No ketchup, just sauce.

we got your back!! keep going<3

So far so good, pretty new to the game but would be nice if all shrines would have a different icon on top of the also on minimap layout depending on their effects.

Love the “HIDDEN CHAT” option…

From HD to SSD… from day to night THE BEST MONEY SPENT and another 4GB ram, now 12.

It’s a bit off topic, but GZ! Can’t even remember the dark days when I used an hdd :grin:.

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good :grinning:

i can not waiting for 0.8.2 and better support for pads.

the pad support is alright, but the biggest issue i noticed was looting items, having to move the cursor with pad over every item that you want to pick up just was tedious to the point where i felt i was better off just playing on mouse and keyboard instead. Hopefully in the future it doesnt feel as tedious to pick up items.

Well, you won’t be waiting long as it’s coming with patch 0.8.2 on Monday :wink::

new functions work great, but need faster sell items with pads