Beta 0.8.1c Patch Notes

I agree, that the belt prefixes are lacking in variety for certain builds.

But i do disagree on boots. It is good, that you can’t pick everything you would like to pick.

The affix changes overall took away alot of those “choices”. We definitely need more of those choices in the game again. This can be achieved by expanding the affix pools a bit

Yo guys, what about an idea of connecting endurance % reduction with amount of hp? so for example more hp u have more % reduction u have - and the same time nerf it a lot on gear, so for example instead of 15% roll u can get 5% roll or something like that.
Im thinking of a solution to make HP builds viable again, cause changes in this patch are not enough.

if shifting the moving speed affix to Prefixes was intended then I just have to live with it the devs know better :smiley: But I hoped it was an ovesight.

I mean, one coudl argue, that movemenspeed is a “defensive” affix, so having it as suffix would not be completely off, but i do like it as a prefix.

Endurance was sooooo good, I get it :frowning:

People complain that it’s “OP”, so it gets nerfed.

A more than welcome changes, looks great!

Nice little patch notes, but personally not really a fan of making threshold harder, as it is 7 items can get threshold (Glove, helm, shield, belt, ring(2), relic) and with 70 threshold being T5 max thats only 490 + 20% max hp, making anything under like 700hp having all 7 still short of the threshold being 100%. wouldn’t it make more since to have threshold easier and the DR% being harder to hit for 60%? endurance was 100% too op the way it was, but i think making endurance harder to get or making us make a choice of having to put endurance on how many affixes to what DR% we would want to get to makes a lot more sense than having to put every affix into threshold to make it stop us from being 1 shot from big spells.

The design intent for Endurance was for it to kick in as your character reaches low health levels. Defenses such as Resistance and Armor protect you regardless of what proportion of your health is missing - we want Endurance to have its own niche rather than being similar to other, existing options which would result in there always being a mathematically ‘correct’ choice.


Went to sleep woke up to this! gotta say cant wait to check out the changes <3 keep up great work.

meloveyoulongtime :skull_and_crossbones:

Actually I find prefix to be completely uninteresting to choose now. Playing my marksman, helm and chest (and relic?) will always be main skill + weapon type damage buff.

On other gear slots, the choices is so limited most of the time I just slap dex in.

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animation of creating wolves and transforming into a bear is terrible. Please correct )

But there is. You can get the same EHp endurence is offering by simply stacking HP if everything else is the same. I’m a total math nobrainer and I’m maybe wrong but to me it looks like endurence is obsolate now.

I havent got to test it yet, but looking at the 20% maximum health and that one of the primalist nodes gives antoehr 10% of maximum health. You can now stack a 3k health build with 0 investment in endurance threshold and get 1k threshold. Seems like its still useful in at least soem builds, but like i said. Havent tested anything yet.

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Yay! :+1:

hi… when a mac ios update? thx

thank u…
ok, but i don’t have a new ARM-mac… update for intel based mac?

It’s right in there.