Beta 0.7.9d Patch Notes

You guys reaction time to problems in this game is faster than Neo dodging bullets in Matrix.

Great Work


I think a smoother difficulty increase and progression is a good thing. More story content would help too.

Looking forward to trying the increased mod effects on empowered timelines.

Do empowered timelines still have the boss nerfs and the increased mod effects make up for that?

Still think all timelines should be able to be empowered or played at 90+. I hope they remain challenging at high levels.

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Good! Anyone who try this had a little too much fun for a while :innocent:

yeah this was expected, as death penalty is coming in a future patch :slight_smile:

Wow…this is AMAZING…As Shaxx would say :slight_smile:
You guys are simply the best game dev studio out there.
So fought Argentus and died and was thrown back 6 echoes…This is very cooool. Well done.
Small detail, I respawned in the fall outcast map instead of respawning in the stolen lance map.
The fight with Argentus was bit more forgiving so definitively an improvement but it hasnt become overly easy…Good job.
Now, at the rate you’re relasing patches and hotfix, i’m just plain worried about Boardman’s health and sanity :slight_smile:
You guys deserve my utmost respect…
Peace !

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Using a TP also puts you in fall outcast if you go back thru the portal in the end of time

Great job guys! Don’t forget to take a day off now and then👍

I still think it is completely silly when the desert spawns ice monsters. There should be more restriction on the type of monsters given the environment. Would also add that extra little choice in monolith if you can somewhat determine the type of monsters/damage by the stage you choose.


I can’t believe they changed the resistance base to hp base just because people “felt bad” for not doing their regular dmg numbers lmao

It also affects leech


EA done right! Good job

Its a turn in the right direction, but for me its still not enough.
Having 1 shot at a boss and having to redo 4-10 echoes to have another 1 try at him if you die is too harsh, I would have preferred some kind of savepoimt or more lifes, right now its just frustrating.

bought game 2 days ago, didnt sleep since ahhaha love devs dedication and the community, greetings from Serbia and good luck moving forward!


More informations about boss might be useful, if for example you get to know his main attack, what type of resistance might be needed for him etc

Wow thank you,

when you in end game monolith progress,
go in to map level 75 BLODD, FROST AND DEATH

after 5 echoes wave you will see a quest echo map
when you in to the map
you will received two quest

A BRAND OF FOREST-speak with Frost brand wengarl chieftain (this npc not there)
(which open level 90)
A PACT OF BLOOD -speak with the blood pact wengarl chieftain (which open level 80)

i tried four times…you can only pick level 80.coz when you try go to do level 90 one the NPC not says speak with the frost brand wengarl chieftain unlock level 90 timelines

any one same?

Yes, there are several posts on the bug forum about it.