This is probably a very debatable topic but I wanted to discuss what would be the best content to showcase a build and its viability?
Initially, I thought the best option would be Aberroth as he is the pinnacle boss or the end of LE’s current story so if a build can defeat him then it would be worth showcasing as able to beat the game.
However, single target/bossing isn’t everything and certain setups/ builds which can destroy bosses in seconds can feel awful to play in regular monolith (eg: the Serpent strike that was able to oneshot T4 Julra or the Event Horizon lethal mirage setup which can oneshot aberroth but not suitable for clearing).
Then there is the fact that high corruption Bosses particularly Harbingers are much stronger than Aberroth. So showcasing a high corruption Harbinger fight may be better. But this is also a bit skewed as certain bosses are easier than others. For example, the big fat Harbinger is much easier than the skinny running Harbinger in most cases and the Harbinger in Reign of Dragons timeline is probably the easiest as it just gets a very telegraphed necro breath and the base moveset comparatively the Spirits of Fire is much worse as it gets an AoE DoT, necrotic turret and a huge revolving firewall or the skinny Harbinger in Blood Frost and death which gets multiple DoT attacks (very dangerous at high corruption).
Orobyss also has variable difficulty based on the skills he has in the specific fight making it an unreliable check.
And what about modifiers? typically I wouldn’t care about modifiers at low corruption but at high corruption it makes sense to make sure that you avoid dangerous modifiers for the boss or make sure you keep no/useless modifiers (such as health to rare monsters or glancing blow when you have a DoT build)
So what do you guys think will be an adequate showcase of a build’s capability (in a video for example). I think something like an Aberroth kill + 1 Echo clear at the highest corruption (ideally with a Nemesis/Mage), 1 Skinny harbinger kill, 1 Fat harbinger kill and 1 Orobyss kill would suffice?
It really does depend on what your build is set out to do. Plenty of builds don’t care about bosses themselves.
Anyway, if you make an all-rounder that can also do Abby, and based on previous build guides (the good ones I enjoyed anyway), I’d say that you need multiple showcases in the same video:
-High corruption echo (the highest you can comfortably farm, preferably).
-High corruption shade.
-High corruption mono boss, preferably one that isn’t a pushover.
-T4 Julra, to showcase you can go craft legendaries at will.
-Abby (optional, depends on the build).
-High corruption harbinger (optional, depends on the build, this is usually attached with the second point, since one is the continuation of the other).
Many people don’t care about Abby content, so that might be less relevant to them. Still, it might boost the build’s viability perception with players too see it can handle them.
It will also change according to which type of build it is. If it’s one more focused on bosses, then Aby/Harbinger/Julra showcases are more relevant, otherwise they aren’t really.
Those would be my priorities to see in a showcase video. You don’t need all of them, but if they don’t take too long in the video, the more you have the better the showcase.
As a disclaimer, I’ll point out that I enjoy Aaron’s build guide videos format.
Yes. Comfy corruption (where mages and nemesis are OK for build) and/or highest + shade/boss/harb and probably Julra (missed her in my last vid but build is able to farm t4). I don’t like shitty Ab-spammer at all and prefer to spend more time on build explanations
Aberroth kill would be around 2.5-5 min (including harbingers) for a typical build a Boss+Harbinger fight would be around the same. Another 2 min for a shade and maybe 3-5 min for an echo clear (preferably with difficult mobs and a nemesis/mage and not just spiders). So maybe 17 min max would that be too long? Or maybe it is better to just have separate vids.
I feel T4 Julra is now quite overshadowed by the Harbingers and Aberroth but good point on Legendary making.
Hmm Idk, I feel bosses are kinda linked to progression in LE, in many build guide/videos that I watch, I am more focused on whether the build can boss properly as they almost always show clear anyways. Also nowadays weak clearing can be somewhat mitigated by rushing the objective and Glyphs of Envy.
Good clearing is still important though IMO and probably even more for people who optimize Favor farming.
Still is it worth going upto a corruption where you can’t defeat a Harbinger boss. I think their additional loot makes it almost a mandatory whenever you get a Mono boss. Unless you are speed farming the boss-specific uniques or something?
One thing Aaron usually does in his videos is that he only shows the shade/boss fight from the mid-point onwards. So when the showcase starts, shade is already at about half life.
Also, you don’t need to showcase the full echo clear. A minute or two of echo clearing is enough to showcase.
Not only this. You can go far from boss/shade corruption point(let’s say 300) and clear maps only (400 500 600+ without killing 301+ shade n boss) by jump-reducto trick
Bosses beyond 300 (harb tier 10) are no longer “linked to progression”. Except T4 Julra for high lvl legs
About time. No need to show full map/boss fight if it is long and w/o build explaining talk over it. Just checked my spearblade rogue vid one more time - 4:40 for showcase, then items/skills/stats… and recommendations. It is not about talking head in letsplay or stream vid. Showcase + howto