Been extremely demanding mastery respecs, seriously

Seriously, We and I have been extremely demanding mastery respecs.

I remember when I first played and picked a mastery and then didn’t realize I couldn’t revert back. Just ended up deleting that character and then creating a new one but what a time waster. EHG probably won’t do that but I think instead of choosing a mastery, couldn’t they just make it where in order to attain a mastery, you just put x points into a tree for example? i.e. 50 passives into Shaman to get Shaman mastery. Make it a ratio with your level (i.e. 70% of points at level x). That way you can always switch masteries.

i’m sure people would just say no and just re-roll another character (which is always the counter argument) or ‘blah blah too strong combinations’. Even with masteries we can still pick passives in other masteries so is it even a mastery at that point?

Yes, it is. Because you cannot use any signature skills from other masteries, neither can you put points beyond the threshold in each different masteries.

That’s what differentiate each one of them, and give the sense of class identity the company WANTS to be in their game, reason why they (edit: probably) won’t ever allow for mastery respecs.


So the only thing different for ‘Mastery’ is that you get the innate ability on the passive and 1 ability for ‘Mastery’ is what you are saying? Do you have armor or weapons that depict a ‘Mastery’? Seems to be class only requirements like ‘Primalist’ or ‘Sentinel’ and not ‘Shaman’ or ‘Void Knight’.

You got that ring that helps Forge Guard but yet Necromancers equipping them for the +2 minion skill - is that what makes it different is that I chosen a ‘Mastery’ but I can still equip stuff for other classes? I got the Judgment gloves on my Shaman because of the 16 Attunement roll and disregarded all other stats. Am I a Shaman and Paladin now?

You can also not use any of the skills provided by enough points into the mastery, so only half of the skills that are not the “Mastery” skill are also unavailable.

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You get the passive, the full tree (and the nodes on the right half are usually pretty good and also theme/identity appropriate) and all the skills (the last couple of skills aren’t available to other masteries). Those skills are also usually theme/identity appropriate.

So the different between a Void Knight or a FG are:
-FG gets phys and fire res and extra armor on hit / VK gets melee void damage per vit and chance to echo
-FG gets access to their right side (a bunch of defensive and minion stuff, mostly) / VK gets access to their right side (a bunch of melee/void/echo stuff, mostly)
-FG gets Ring of Shields and Smelter’s Wrath / VK gets Anomaly

Since there is still plenty of space for new skills, this trend will likely get more pronounced over time. And it makes FG feel distinct to VK. And that distinction is a big part of the character identity that is so important to many players (and to EHG).

I think especially for stuff like VK its night and day.

VK’s unique mechanic of echoing takes skills that might otherwise be more thematic on class X and become different/even potentially better on VK simply because of its interesting and locked feature of echoing.

I sorta wish more classes had this distinction past more then just skills. Like for a thorn totem explosion build where you resummon healing totems to make them pop, the choice between druid and shaman comes down almost exclusively to extra resistances and some mana ease for shaman, and more hp/better defensive passives late game for druid. They take skills that dont require any branch mastery.

Where as VK really feels special because once you click on VK you can do almost anything you are not even limited to void damage, because tons of its passives are just generic on top of its echo mechanics. So you can still spend the majority of your points on VK, and still be not void centric if you so choose.

Tldr; I agree with you, but I can also see depending on the classes you play, an the builds you play, the mastery choice can feel a bit… simple and not really add a whole bunch to your choice.

I think what I actually did like this in this event was those shrine buffs in which you can get some random things in there from other classes. I’m not saying to change class mastery but it made me realize some of the build potential and also probably the most core issue is that how underwhelming some classes feels on the passive and skill trees with mastery overall.
Sure didn’t feel like a lightning ‘Shaman’ this cycle when Sorc has better lightning visuals, damage, and thematic feel.