Beastmaster Feedback

I have played many summon builds and most of them feel amazing but I can’t say the same about beastmaster with solo minion.

Problem here is a bit clunky mechanic of active skills that buff minion. For example the strongest buff so far is Ethera’s blessing, but to maintain it you have to look for your pet all the time and cast it every 4 seconds to maintain that buff, just compare it with Dread Shade that last for 20-40 seconds and massively increases damage or guarantees crits etc.

Same with Frenzy Totem - it adds some weak buffs to your companion and has very short range/living time. Your companions will constantly get out of totems radius.

All in all your playstyle is spamming ethera’s blessing(which is hard to target in the intensive fight) and spam totem. It feels really fussy and frustrating compared to necromancers most builds.

It would be great if etheras blessing for example would give permanent buff to your companion if it was the last target of direct cast or just increase buff time.
As for Totem I guess it needs some buff overall, both for range and power.

One nice thing about Dread Shade is that when you cast it, it automatically targets the minion nearest to your cursor. They don’t even have to be on the screen.

Maybe they could add that to Ethera’s Blessing, or preferably make it target the companion with the lowest health.