Hello fellow travelers. Build suggestions for Beastmaster. Have you ever played in POE - Elementalist - golem stacking - Its where the golems buff your character stats, more golems more stats like crit/regen/defense/attack, cast speed ect. Can we get something like this? I know there is beastmaster builds that kinda work that way, it would be very intresting to see what you can do with that build arch type. Where we dont really spec into minion damage, more the minions super buff the character,. Thanks.
Support minions exist. Spriggan is a very strong support minion provides flat crit and flat damage as well as a bit of healing/dodge etc.
Wolves may also provide some pretty meaty buffs with decent uptime.
But generally because of how the game works, a skill really needs to do something good to be worth putting on your bar. You could run something like swipe/tempeststrike(mana gen/filler)/EQ(mana spender, big burst)/Wolves/Spriggan/Frenzy totem
But then you lose out on warcry, and since warcry is probably more utility/power then wolves, you drop wolves.
What makes golemancer builds work well is that they are immune to 3/5 of the damage types in poe, and auto revive. so you literally just brain off.
We probably wont see something like that in LE.
Cooldown swipe brings them back to full health on a 2 sec cooldown (can be reduced with cdr). Combined with the node that makes your endurance apply to companions(to avoid 1shots), it is fairly easy to keep em alive and even possible in high corruption.
I’ve seen Spriggan used for Avalanche shaman and personally used it on a Tempest Strike/EQ Beastmaster in this way. Its the best 2 skills to support Tempest EQ (and mandatory warcry) beating out Fury leap/ Frenzy totem.
oh spriggan is good for sure, but this guy is talking about summoning a bunch of pets to help you. but after spriggan, its wolf, with its howl buff, which is pretty sick, but is exclusive to melee. Swipe is great for solo minions, but if your wolf is in melee range with you, and spriggan is in the backline, your wolf will never die, and your spriggan will chain die, because its never the closest minion. Swipe healing is really strong for solo minion and mid/bad for non solo minions.
This hypothetical scenario doesn’t make much sense though. You’d be using 3 skill slots (Wolf, Spriggan, Swipe) to facilitate buffs to the player, that leaves 2 skill slots left for the actual build.
Okay here is my vision of this. This could be a passive that could read somthing like this.
For each wolf add XX to XX physical damage and 10% attack/cast speed
Bear provides XX life regen and physical resistance
Raptor provides % crit chance and bleed chance
Storm crow provides mana regen and cost reduction
Sabretooth provides Increased ele damage
Minion damage is reduced by XX%
This would be a lot of fun to play with, increasing character power while keeping the zoo, i know I’m missing some of the minion names here but you get the point.