
This is going to be a low priority ask, and to some might seem rather trivial, but…

I love supporting you guys. I joined in Alpha and when I have the extra funds I don’t might tossing it out to things I like. However, I don’t really want or need to signal to everyone and their cousins this fact.

So, is there a way to turn OFF some of our badges in our profile. I checked my profile and you can ‘favorite’ two of them. I’d hoped that was how you could just display a few but apparently it must just stick those at the top of the list.

Just take my money. :smiley:

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Yes, I agree with this and was my first thought after buying the packs.

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Yeah, it’d be nice if they stacked differently on mobile as well. Currently if a poster has more than ~2 badges they stretch the forum to the right butthe posting text box & forum posts don’t stretch as well. It just looks/feels bad.

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