Bad boss design

Exactly this is the attitude where we start every. single. time. i. write. here.

Where is this written for example?

I HAD to edit the OP with +500% explanations or it would have drowned with misconceptions and trolling

Some guys dont understand the amount of gatekeeping they make :slight_smile:
The topic is attacked from every possible angle (it’s offensive! your char/defenses suck! i did it myself! you played it badly! change skills! change gear!) except for the pointed topic itself (is the boss bugged? is FG underwhelming?). Some posters wrote it, I thank them

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To be fair, the context of the feedback is as important as the feedback itself. If you’d have gone in nekkid & died to the trash then complained about it, that wouldn’t have been too helpful, would it?

No, but this is an excellent example of why chill is awesome & should always be used. It adds quite a bit of leeway.

Not sure that was under dispute.

I’m just glad I understand what was happening & why (you likely didn’t have chill & I did, gaining myself an additional ~1.5s of time to run the #### out).

Ok let’s say it was the chill on your char. I was hoping that it was ninja fixed to 4s cast time

I don’t wanna go back there to test ingame with and without, unless you do want to get back to it yourself, ill just say ok it was the chill status

Ofc I don’t have it on my FG, chill should be optional.

Nah, the maths lines up.

It is optional but as you can see, it’s a very powerful defensive effect.

You won’t get a point here. Zaen is an experienced LE player. When there are issues beating the content with the exact build he made, that means there’s clearly a design flaw.

He doesn’t need advice what he could or should change to have less of a problem. That’s all invalid and just gatekeeping.


I don’t have chill and waltzed out of the AoE with time to spare. There are other options.


There is nothing on his build (or a generic Forge Guard) which prevents them from walking out of the AoE. I see no design flaw. There are tons of options for players to learn the fight and account for the AoE:

  • Chill
  • Silver Rings
  • Movement Skill
  • Movespeed on Tree (some classes, not all)
  • Ranged attacks
  • Stuns to buy time
  • activated defenses (aka Rebuke, Silver Shroud, etc.)

It’s not like there’s just one way.


You may have missed my sarcasm on my last post. I’m with you in that regard.


OK, I feel dumb now. :slight_smile:


Can Germans even do sarcasm?

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Excuse me? My first language is sarcasm. Only when I mastered it I was allowed to speak German. :wink:

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They won’t tell me

Bet they say “of course you are,” and leave you to figure out if they’re being sarcastic or not. :laughing:

“You’re adopted. I mean, pack your clothes, you’re adopted, your new parents arrive in five minutes.”

I JUST did the boss on empowered PLUS 210 corruption and some nasty mods, he’s DOABLE completely, needs NO CHANGES at all, just watch his tells like EVERY OTHER BOSS lol

The only issue I have with this boss is when I am dumb enough to use Warcry againt him… and slowly drag him towards the bottom. Then he channels his boom and I have no way to escape by the bottom and no time to escape elsewhere once I figure it.

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