Backtracking in Dungeons

Hello !
Just wanted to get some input from others how they feel about dungeon layout design.
The general idea of having a big instance to clear with varying bonuses ( for example more kills = more souls to gambel with) is pretty nice and feels rewarding but the layout makes it really an annoying experience, especially with those roadblock kinda things. I find myself backtracking alot which is generally not that fun since dungeons are already a big time investement compared to monoliths.

Is it just me or would you prefer a more open (not necessarily linear) environment in the future?


I really do like the idea and I like that this exists in Last Epoch. They’re a very good addition to the game.
As for my personal feelings, I don’t like labyrinths so I won’t go often.

This is most likely a unintended side effect of the dungeons being randomnly generated so the possibility of a dead-end/roadblock is probably not taking a “backtracking” factor into account.

While not mentioning the same frustration as you are, there are some other threads where people are asking for more open, less rabbit warren type maps - i.e. more like some of the open space campaign maps…

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