Babyyyy Shar--Scorpions

Are baby scorpions still considered to be minions of the mama scorpion and thus do not inherit your minion stats? Haven’t seen an answer to this since like 2020 :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Also, if the song wasn’t in your head yet…

Babbyy Sharrrk

Baby Scorpions are minions.

But they are no companions.

I understand they are minions, but are they minions of the mama scorpion or minions that get your benefits?

Last discussion was that they are minions of mama scorpion.

Yes, they are your Scorpion’s minions, not yours. From memory they should inherit any stats from the skill tree, though I can’t remember whether the devs said that they should inherit your minion stats or not.

Just got an answer from a dev in discord…

baby scorpion answer

  1. They are minions of the mama scorpion, but they still benefit from your minion stats.


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From what he elaborated, unless it specifically mentions baby scorpions then they won’t receive any benefits from the scorpion skill tree.

So looks like it’s just minion stats.

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