Auto pick up shards is a must have feature

I know this has been talked alot but it really bothers me when I play with the controller and have to stop everytimes to pick up shards.
Please make this permanent asap or an option if there’re ppl like to click them.
Thank you


i would also like it, but it should be an Option, so everyone could play as they want, with or without it.


I think this was one of the biggest threads about this topic. I’m with @ElPerroBarbaro so everyone can be happy and decide how to play :slight_smile:
In the thread that i linked @sandman1142 absolutely nailed it imo.

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Whether they should be automatically picked up or not is up to the devs imo (it is nice to see clearly what’s there before pickup, and not having to click on them all individually when they’re nearby helps with repetitive things). But the fact that they go to your inventory instead of the crafting stash when you pick them up adds no value and creates more annoyance.

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