Aura of Decay any plans on reworking?

I couldn’t find many topics about that skill.

already exists but it’s closed now.

In 0.9 the damage was buffed a bit but it doesn’t solve the problem. I also tried to run it with “Rotmind” Rotmind - Unique Branded Skull - Off-Hand Catalyst - Last Epoch Item Database
but it’s not enough to sustain at all. I mean it’s fun to balance between surviving and doing a lot of damage but in the end there are other builds (e.g. spellblade/Paladin ) who don’t suffer from using a skill and could go all out for damage.
I haven’t tried getting like 5k hp with 1k hp regen/sec, maybe it will work somehow but it’s pretty hard to achieve anyway.

Maybe there are other uniques/sets that could somehow even it out?

Since patch 0.7, Aura of Decay was pure utility, mainly fixing necro’s sustain problem by stacking increased healing effectiveness and capping poison res.

Also, if AoD was brought up and any devs are lurking in the forum, please fix the permanence bug that’s currently affecting online mode.

I guess the devs just want you to be turning the aura on and off as required.

Until they change it I just shelved my Poison Lich as it is too annoying to do that.

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But why? We have fire aura, cyclone, judgement with the node etc. and all of them are decent without real disadvantages. In terms of balancing there are builds and skills which 1-2 shot bosses.
I mean I love the build diversity in this game but as Lich you kinda forced to use reaper form and aura of decay alone isn’t really a thing (maybe it works with ward better…)

I’d think that they may wish AoD to play differently to those other skills. They have said in the past that they intend for it to be turned on/off rather than just left on.

Call it a bandaid fix if you want or a flat out bug as it is but AoD currently snapshots its healing effect (and the poison debuff per int as well). You can use healing effect + intelligence on all gear and cast AoD then swap to actual poison damage/resist cap/hp gear and keep all the healing effect/poison res debuff.
Though yeah poison AoD makes taking the healing node mandatory unless you want to kill yourself or constantly switch on/off(same thing for some people lol).

Anyhow yeah I feel skill could use some change.

If I’m correct I died few times after turning it off because you don’t have the 50% poison dmg reduction anymore.

Thanks for the info but it sounds like unwanted mechanic to me. Even if intended it sounds pretty annoying to do it all the time :sweat_smile:

AoD probably won’t be viable until there is a way to become poison immune or convert the poison to bleed.

I have been able to sustain it with near perfect ward gear, it wasn’t enough damage to be worth it. That was a long time ago though.

I haven’t tried it with Vessel of Strife and very high regen. That works against so many Lich nodes though.

Probably but I’d concider that part of the “player skill cap” for using it, knowing how late you can turn it of and still not die.

So with the 50% less poison damage taken from AoD, the 20% less poison damage taken from Inoculation on the AoD tree, 17% less DoT taken on Rotmind, and 13% less DoT taken on Oracle amulet, capped poison resist even after reductions. How much poison damage would be left? I assume all are multiplicative even though Innoculation is the only one that I find that specifically states that.

28%, but “capped poison resists” depends on how many stacks of poison you’ve got.

I thought they got rid of that from poison.

I was pretty sad AoD isn’t my walking sim RoF substitute then again they could’ve made it a CD skill tihout selfdmg and be good with it. Making a spell that can be enabled 24/7 intentionally so bad you have to micromange it outside of smacking it when needed or on CD with the little dmg and unitility it offers? Nah bad design!

The most optimal way to play is stacking high HP using Deathseal and idling at lowlife imo, regen doesnt work neither does Ward, the game wants you on the verge of death at all times and you are just fighting against it

The skill is oppressive and I gave up on it but in the last iteration was Wandering Spirits on channel, Death Seal proccing Hungering Souls and full investment into AoD damage, capped endurance/high endurance threshold, putting out about 1.8m on the dummy

You almost never died against anything while fighting but moving between packs was awful as was maintaining Reaper Form, they took one of the most relaxing builds and made it a sort of Headhunter-esque gameplaying which relies on constantly leeching from everything and never stopping

I have quite a few ideas but dont really care at this point, lots of the builds in this game are tedious to play longterm. I expect even a rework wont be good

They capped it, so it’s less impactful in terms you you shredding your own poison resist but it is still a thing. You’d need to overcap your poison resist by at least 60% (& 4 points in the Respite node would cover that for you) plus there’s the Fume Weaver node that lowers your poison resist by 1% per Int.

Heh, don’t get me started. To troll the player of course.

Same reason we cannot auto-pickup shards and cannot add a condition to the loot filter to test Forging Potential. Or losing your skill points when you respec. All these things that add ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the gameplay experience except player frustration. Pure trolling of the player base.

You can get more reduced damage over time taken on idols. Issue is that the poison also scales with all of your increased damage and damage multipliers and there is a vast difference between player and monster life so making it deal decent damage to enemies means its also chunking you. Also its a constant damage that keeps ticking down your health during Death seal. Thus making it your Main skill is like a death sentence.

You could do the on/off type build but you will need cleansing to remove the poisons every time you switch off as otherwise the poisons will persist and do the same damage but without the defenses.

I’m doing something similar, but no investment in AoD for damage, only for debuff and poison bolts. Non-channel poison spirits and selfcast hungering souls+deathseal souls for the dmg to possessed. 2 mil+ on dummy but my WS is on a 9 sec CD, with CDR on all gear possible I can hit 7 sec cooldown, but this feels kinda off. When a skill needs cdr on helm+boots+belt+2 rings(and the nodes in tree) just for hitting the right uptime it feels wrong.

I agree with this, Reaper form is so cool but garbage Qol, you can’t even switch it off and restart it before a boss fight, have to wait for death and then cooldown and then restart its decay.

Good thing there’s a belt affix for that.

Yes, and it feels reeeally clunky! esp when you have to do it when going pack to pack. Even Reaper form’s zoom zoom can’t help with that playstyle.