**Hello **
I have a request, please. In the auction house for buying and selling, I wish there was a single place for all equipment. Every time, I feel exhausted searching for the location of armor, swords, or axes, and I get lazy looking for them that way. If there were one shop with everything, it would be much better. I don’t know if the developers have considered this.
100% agree.
Why u may aske. Because thats exactly hkw it works in CoF. Iv brought this up about MG as well.
Nope. Items will be messed up in search results (like idols regular/class with hp%)
And 1 NPC for all … It is just lame
Also you can sell everything at one store, if you want. Only buying is separated
Yes, which is an error from EHG in how they implemented the affixes.
A unified system needs to be available for those.
Also proper implementation by limiting search results accordingly to base item is basically a no-brainer and should’ve been done Day 1, not Year 2 of the existence of the system.
That we even need to talk about this existing in the first place is baffling enough.
But it’s functional.
Game design is first functional, then style. You don’t make stuff the other way around or you create useless crap.
Welcome to MG, the specific traders are a interesting concept to populate the area visually, but functionally they are absolutely sub-par.
Sure, if you don’t care about knowing what stuff’s actually listed for and just throw things in willy-nilly (which should come with repercussion, MG needs a limiter mechanic for listing, but that’s another topic) then you can do that.
Any informed decision is not possible for that.
Everything could be managed in a single store. When you talk to the vendor, a menu would appear where you can choose the type of item you want and then search for it. This would be much easier than running around searching from place to place.
As for selling, it could be done anywhere, as you mentioned, but you wouldn’t know the actual value of your items. This means you would have to manually check the market to see the current prices, which takes time. I really wish there was a tool that could show market prices for each weapon, provide estimated values, or allow for advanced searches auto to save time.
This is the only downside I see when trading in the marketplace—it takes up too much of my time. Since I only have around 3 to 4 hours to play, I often end up spending an hour just searching and selling in the market.