Asmon will play LE

Edit - I linked to the timestamp in the video where he mentions it




That is huge. Great exposure for the game.

Terrible for the community though.

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Yup, I also hope the servers are in a better state by then.

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Why? Never had any issues with goldie boy and his people they are easiely avoidable. Free advertisment is still free advertisement ^^.

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Whether you like Asmongold or not he can do a huge “advertisement” for LE.

I hope that the game is in a good state for his tastes, so more people can know it and enjoy it and our community can get bigger.


Yea, so?

If enough people wants the streamer who is called Asmon to play, he IS going to play it, no doubt.
Doesn´t matter if HE wants/likes to or not. He is getting MONETOS for doing it. TONS of it. People is going to shower it over him. Look at him playing Lost Ark. People is throwing both in-game Gold and real Money at him as he playing it. I seen people throw ALL their GOLD at him. It´s F´ng crazy. Assman Gold needs in-game Gold in Lost Ark to get his Weapon top-Level? I seen people just dumping 100k straight at him. Insane. Ohh, AssmanGold needs a Subscription for Lost Ark? People go… Ohh, here you are, have 6 months on me. ohhh, please take both my Gold AND Silver too. All of it. Yes, all of it. Take it.
I however, keeping my Gold for myself thank you. Every darn dime of it.

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The same could be said about a number of people already playing…

His viewership is 3x the total online players of the game, so, if anything, is a lot of exposition. The game got a lot from PoE streamer already, but Asmongold fanbase is a mix of wow and diverse games.

Is quite good for the game, I he goes with online, I hope he has good luck with the class and skills selection.

It’s been my experience that the kind of gamer that follows a personality like Asmongold around is often also the kind of gamer that embodies every bad stereotype about gamers. They’re like cockatoos - they swoop in en masse, squawk like the Dickens, poop all over the place, tear everything up, and then bail out just as quickly as they came when it’s not funny anymore.


Goldiboy is a bigger streamer and the more people come together the more bad stuff happens. I played with some smaller streamers and their followers (like in the thousands) and the ammount of bad stuff that happens was almost 0.

Then Again ASmon is a PvP player and this kind of game mode brings out the worst people.

I definitely agree that toxicity is usually much higher in PvP players.

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