Asked to enter e-mail on char creation, charlimit in the way

So I just started up the pbtest and was asked to register the ign with an e-mail. Problem is I’m not able to enter my entire e-mail address as it’s my [email protected] and I happen to have a long ass name. Supposedly this may be a bug (talked to someone in the ask the devs channel on discord), so I’m making a note of it here.

In total my e-mail address is 35 characters long, which apparently is too long.

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I assume its the same as this?

Ah, my bad, I completely missed that it’d been reported, since I was suggested to report it. Yes, it seems to be very much the same.

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Yeah, reporting it is the correct thing to do. The even better thing to do is have a quick search for similar reports and add to them if there are any.