Artor's Legacy issue no added companion

I have an Artor’s Legacy but when I wear it I cannot seem to be able to summon the additional Raptor.
FYI, I havenot spec’d into the passive that limits number of companions.
When I summon the first Raptor, the summon key icon show the ‘red’ rampage function. If I use that key I get the Rampage buff but no additional Raptor.
What am I doing incorrectly?

You can’t summon more than 1 companion of each type unless there’s a modifier for it, except for storm crows. In your case, you want the Naal’s Tooth unique that states “You can summon Raptors up to your Companion Limit”. WIthout that, you can only have 1.

EDIT: With just the +1 companion you can add a different one at the same time as the raptor, though.

So, before I had the Artor’s Legacy I could already summon a Raptor and a Wolf. I thought you could summon one of each of the companions as long the summon function was on the skill bar.
What you are basically saying is the Artor’s Legacy is only good if you have another piece of equipment that augments it.

No. Without Artor’s Legacy you can summon 2 companions. In your case a Raptor and a Wolf. Now you can summon 3. For example, you can now also summon a bear. You can have those 3.
You just can’t have 2 or 3 wolves, bears or raptors unless you have something that specifically say that you can have an extra companion of that kind. For example, in Summon Wolf, on the far left, there’s a node that lets you have 2 wolves at once (and even adds an extra companion so you sitll can have an extra one).

Or the Naal’s Tooth, which lets you have all raptors. With it people are running around with 5 or 6 raptors.

Ah, thanks. That explains it.

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It should be noted that Storm Crows are an exception to it. You can always summon storm crows up to your limit. So in your case, with Artor’s legacy, you can summon 3 Crows. Or a Raptor and 2 Crows. Or one of each.

Slight addition
Wolves can have number up to your maximum as well, same as Storm Crows with “Safety in Numbers” specialized

Yes, that would fall under the “unless you have something that specifically say that you can have an extra companion of that kind” bit I mentioned :wink:
But storm crows are unique in that they don’t need anything like that, it’s part of the base skill already.

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