Arena-type echoes should be removed, or at least marked on the echo web

They are the longest, least fun echo, and also now can’t contain the Nemesis (I think). There’s already an arena mode in the game for people who want that type of gameplay instead of normal maps.

There have been several posts about this in the past but all have been closed now, so I want to keep this in the aether.


Agreed. For a very large portion of the playerbase they suck.
Some like it, the minority.

No matter if you like it or not it’s vastly less rewarding.

It needs to be removed from there or at least optional. It’s annoyance beyond end. Either avoid them completely and stumble through the web in a try to reach the edge without ever interacting with one or go into it begrudgingly and be ‘ughh…’ the whole time. And plainly… the second option is baaaad to have, which is why player agency is such a big thing usually.


Yes, just for the reason alone that i always feel disappointed when i see an arena mono. I know they want to improve them “soon” but they have been bad for years and should honestly just be disabled until the rework is finally done.

Same with arena key reward nodes, why do they even exist when keys can just random drop anyway and not many people even care about arena anymore.

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I will reiterate my support for this. Arena echoes suck.

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They do have a use, which is to boost leveling when you start doing monos at 25-30ish. Outside of that, yeah, no use. I think even arena fans don’t enjoy these echoes on monolith.

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I also think they should be removed for the same reason, I don’t do Arena b/c I don’t like that playstyle, so I shouldn’t be forced to play an arena map to get to a certain node I want/need.

As for the “marked on the echo” part of you subject line/title, if you click on them it tells you what map, which includes arena. So you can avoid them, but this leaves you with the inability to get to some nodes that you are actually wanting or needing to do.


The ‘marked’ aspect is probably rather meant by ‘immediately visible without clicking/hovering/anything’ hence highlighted by default in some way.


Yeah, I intended that phrase to mean an overt symbol or something. It’s so easy to slip and not read everything in the middle of a session of rapidly doing echoes.

Yeah, take my vote. I never click on Echoes before running them, why should I, other than avoiding an arena, so I always acasionally bump into them and curse myself for not having checked.
I guess the next time I will just let my character die.

Edit: Suicide works well and way better than enduring the Arena, allthough only viable if one does not care about the reward or the route.

They’re marked. The nodes are all named Something Arena when you hover over or click on them. If you hate them so much, you’re free to ignore them. Not everyone plays like you do.

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Read before posting.

Many if not most do as evidenced by the multitude of threads related to this very subject.

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You can just teleport out, you know?

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I prefer the marking option over a removal. Have suggested the same sometime during 1.0.

If they “just” take the visual indicator from the prophecy ui, we can see them ahead of time and plan our route accordingly.

Would not remove them for they add variety and sometimes they can even be beneficial (xp/favor gain).


To be fair, a opt-in solution would also work, I mentioned that months ago already… expanding on the overall goals available during monoliths to provide variety but making it so you choose which ones you’re fine with doing or not.

Allows for overall more player agency as well as more ‘out there’ targets for the monoliths.

Mike has said before that they are planning on stuff for monolith echoes similar to rolling mods on maps, where you can use something to change the echoes. Maybe when that happens (possibly 1.4) we can simply reroll arenas to another type.

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Ha ha, funny, around 500 hours and until today I endured each and every Arena I stumbled into… And while you are correct, I believe suicide is better because that clearly markes the echo.


First off, agreed arena echos are worst and i rather ”give up” reward (unless i’m really desperate)

Funny thing is that i originally thought that if you go on prophecies and use lens which remove 100%arena, i would not have to deal arena echoes anymore. Yea quickly i realised that 100% remove arena condition from prophecies.

God damn i was very happy guy for a moment. But yeah,

Arena echoes are not fun, they are slag and give less stability + no mages, chests, Nemesis etc.

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Actually, arena echoes are the ones that give you more stability because they’re the ones that you’re guaranteed to clear and get the full bonus.
Now, whether or not they give you the most stability per time spent is a different question.

But that question is moot, since almost no one finds them fun and loading an arena echo usually just elicits a groan of exasperation.

Doesn’t matter, it feels like crap.

Very few people enjoy it.

It gives overall less reward (has no specials in it)

It’s generally a waste of time, the only and excessively only reason to use them is when playing up a second character to level a little bit faster.

All in all it’s simply not worth it, it reduces the enjoyment of the game actively for me as an example, it does with many many other people… and it poses no active upside for them to exist outside of a limiter for how to traverse the web… and that’s generally nothing major in need to handle, corruption progression is - despite the extra things through Harbingers - still a fun-less slog that you just cross off the list and hence any active hindrance is a detriment to the game and not a upside currently.

Once again. Removal, optional, more rewarding then a full-scale normal monolith run… each of those 3 is a viable route the go, the last is the least liked I imagine, the optional one is the one which keeps most people happy and the removal is the easiest.
Simple as that.