Are we breaking the laws of statistic probability?

I am using Spriggan Form’s Sprit Thorns “hits” to proc a Storm Totem via the Storm Carved Testament relic, which gives me a 12% chance to summon a Totem on hit. The results I am seeing are defying the laws of probability. Now before you all call RNG here’s some numbers…

On a training dummy I stood and spammed Thorns and nothing else. I cast them reasonably fast (Cast Speed 86%). I must fire hundreds of them over a 10 seconds period. Anyways I ended up collecting data on the number of attempts where the Totem spawned in under 10 seconds and the number of times it took over 10 seconds, with 20 samples. I was careful to allow the cooldown on the relic to pass between each test…

Totem spawned in under 10 seconds: 6 times
Spawned in over 10 seconds: 14 times

So 14 times out of 20, multiple hundreds of hits did not proc a 12% chance even once in 10 seconds.

Nope. Not buying that.

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I think there something with spirit thorns on hit procc.
I made a post about it. With 290% chance to poison on hit and 2 hits per cast I can never get more than 2 stacks of poison per cast and not per hit.

It probably has a reduced chance to proc things like Warpath does. Things that hit multiple times per cast seem to work that way.

It’s not written anywhere and when I asked Mike on discord he said it does not have any reduced procc rate.
Edit: it could be intended that way, but they need to write it so we are aware. Or it is bugged.

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Did you release the button, or did you hold it down like a channeled skill? I ask, because I’ve noticed the same odd behavior with Spirit Thorns and Spiritwhisperer node. It seems like if I just hold the cast hotkey down, it doesn’t count individual casts properly – almost like it treats it like a channeled skill instead, not individual castings per “cooldown”.

I wouldn’t be surprised if extra thorns don’t get proc chance because it’s hard to program them to for some reason.

I tried both

I hold it down like a channel. You might be on to something. I will try tapping it, but I don’t think I can play like that.

That’s only for ailments, not procs. I want to say the reduced ailment application chance is ~60% but I could be wrong.

@Ghostlight if you think it’s a bug then post it in #bug-reports but with only 20 procs and only a 12% proc chance my money would be on RNG. Though it could be a bug & if it was, I’d be less surprised if it were the ailment application reduction being applied when it shouldn’t. It’d be easier to figure out the likelihood of this being just RNG if you included the number of casts in between procs.

With a 'little bit more than 300% chance to poison on hit, I only ever get 2 stacks per cast.

Edit : it’s seem to only come from the first hit.

I’ve seen similar behavior for throw shield ricochets. I’ve tested it with 2 ricochets and 2 targets, first target is hit twice and receives hit damage twice. But only the first hit applies ignite.

And someone replied to me, that armor shred has the same issue.

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Can you clarify if the proc in the under 10 seconds time was just one proc. As it stands from what you’ve written it doesn’t really define that, and obviously the amount of procs, not the times procs happened, is pretty important.

There’s also nothing defined for what over 10 seconds is as a range, is that holding it down for 2 minutes, and you got a proc 2 minutes in, or is it 10.5 seconds got a proc?

Im not saying I don’t believe you, I just don’t think the data you’ve given is useful for what you’re saying.

Considering there is a pretty long cooldown on it, It is how often a totem summoned in less than 10 seconds. The trigger has an 8 second cooldown though, So I take it that 6 times, it was triggered within 2 second of being off CD.

Yeah I mean that’s what I’m asking, it could proc twice in under 10 seconds.

I’m assuming the cd was waited on every time.

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I started my timer (well my gf did), then I held down Spirit Thorns, hitting the dummy.

If a Totem appeared AT ALL before 10 seconds had passed, I aborted that test there and recorded that as “less than 10 seconds”). I did not continue to see if it proced again.

If no Totem had appeared by 10 seconds, I stopped there and recorded “more than 10 seconds”.

I repeated this 20 times, with plenty of time between each test to allow for cooldown on the proc.

In a 10 seconds period, I guesstimate I fire at least 50 thorns. The chance of 50 Thorns hitting and not once proccing a 12% chance are very small (I believe it would be 0.88 (the chance to not proc on hit) to the power of 50 which is 0.0016 or 16 times out of every 10,000), yet it occurred 14 times out of 20 tests.


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