Arcane Ascendence +5 mana cost incorrectly applied to Static orb

Static orb cost with Charged Ground node (+300% mana cost) and 2/4 points in Mana ground (70% mana efficiency) is 43 (shown in zip image)

Calculated mana cost : [ 18 + (18 * 300%) ] / 1.7 roughly equals 42-43

Static orb cost after activating Arcane Ascendance = 55 (shown in zip image). No mana affecting nodes were taken for arcane ascendance.

Technically Arcane Ascendance should add 5 to mana cost of spell to result in 43+5=48 but 55 is shown?? Kindly investigate. thanks

Static Orb (3.2 MB)
Static Orb (3.0 MB)
Arcane Ascendance Skill (2.9 MB)
Static Orb skill (2.9 MB)

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