It would be great if there was a public API, so that developers could create external tools for the game. Things like flat data access (passive/skill trees, affixes), character export, market tracking, stashtab evaluation etc.
But external tools are not permitted in online play…
And I don’t know anything about it, but people already create and use addons in offline mode, all sorts of them.
I mean tools like Also, on that site, there already is a feature to export your character (character profiles tab), so it seems a bit unfair that only one developer has some kind of API access.
Without knowing anything about this, I would assume that you can simply ask EHG directly for access to the API. Probably dependent on your intentions and some limitations, but I’d assume they can provide you access to the API on request (as opposed to being available publicly, which would be a security issue).
I remember that sometime last year some forum user started doing a trade site where you could list what was for sale. I expect he also asked them for it.
That is very possible, however I could not find any official statement from EHG about the topic, so that is why I am requesting it in “feedback and suggestions” category.
On Discord I’ve found a statement from Kain made a month ago where he says:
“The API is not publicly available and is currently limited access to partners during development.”.
So either try to get in touch with them and become a “partner” (never hurts to try), or wait for it to become public (or less restricted).
Thank you for the information, I will try writing them an email.
Good luck.