Anyone mind helpin me (a noob) pick a build for Exsanguinous?

While farming gear for my paladin alt (or a titan heart upgrade with more than 1 LP) I had a 3LP Exsanguinous drop. Of course my first actually good body armor echo reward ends up being one my forge guard can’t use and would be a waste on pally.
I’ve checked builds filtering the armor but seeing a build’s gear and knowing why it uses that gear are two vastly different things. Work already limits the time I get to play, let alone time to watch breakdowns of classes, skill synergies etc sooooo was hoping if anyone had a recommendation for a build that isn’t “too hard” mechanically or crazy gear reliant.
Please :slight_smile:

I would just try to put health, % health, vitality or int on it and then you can basically slap that thing on any build.

There are literally hundred of possible buidls possible with it, because its not a specific archetype it just defines your defensive setup for the most part.

true but i read (yes if it’s on the internet, it must be true) someone else’s opinion regarding sentinel and how sentinel’s body armors’ implicits are “too good” to pass up when you can get same result with experimental affix on gloves…hence why i was asking. went “critical status” at work so full production at jeep 7 days a week, 10 hours a day till further notice but a supplier from mexican taking off for the holiday which gives us tomorrow off. maybe ill use some of that time to research some builds and their mechanics in the game . ty though :slight_smile: wasn’t tryin to say you’re wrong btw