Anyone know if a summoner build for primalist is viable?

i really wanted to do a summon build with the prime anyone got any hints on to make it work, im hc and wanted to try do a diffrent kind summoner and i like the totems but idk if anything will work late game as a summon prime

Totems work, epsecially a Shaman Thorn Totem Spriggan, there are also plenty of Beastmaster builds, which would be the default choice if youā€™re interested in minions imho.

Yes it is absolutely possible, and there is many strong builds for it.

Thorn totem is amazing and have many ways to be played. Summoning 4-5 totems with a single click. Making totems explode in a poison nova when they die or being recasted. Stacking poison or completely changing it to cold damage and stacking frostbiteā€¦ and thatā€™s just options for thorn totems.

You can go spriggan-form + spriggan minion + 1 crow and summons vines. You can switch everything to cold damage if you want. Or just stacking ā€œMinion damageā€ + flat spell damage for minions, and that will be a great great start.

You can summon a bear and you can transform yourself into a bear if you pick the druid mastery. So you can be a bear and do bear things with your buddy bear. Two big bears saving the world and all.

Also, one of the mastery subclass, the beastmaster, is clearly focused on minions. But itā€™s one of the few mastery that iā€™ve not tried. Druid and shapeshifting is always my go-to.


thank you for the reply i think ima try the beast master thing and go the thorn totom and scorpio

Ladder is showing Summon Wolf and Frenzy Totems to be the strongest.