Anyone having problems with Bow mobs?

Now, I’m a relative newb here, as I’ve only recently gotten to the Imperial age, but those Siege archer mobs eat me alive. It feels over tuned, but I’m also willing to concede I’m doing something wrong.

Are there any specific defensive options I should be looking at? I have one of every character and they all take a lot of damage from archer mobs in the Imperial Era, and I can only guess it’ll get worse.

Ranged mobs are a serious threat, especially for melee builds. Even in the later game. Many players, especially at the beginning, neglect their defense and pay more attention to dmg. LP on the gear, even in the early game when you can’t yet access good low lvl gear from the chest, is always a good choice. Otherwise, you should always have a movement skill up your sleeve to quickly cover the distance.

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Without any knowledge about your character, it’s challenging to give you a specific answer.

One general advice: If you move to evade the projectiles, they don’t deal damage. Sometimes easier said than done and less fun, I know. If you’re a melee class, don’t walk in a straight line at them.

High armour reliably helps against all hits. High ward or maxHP helps to react in time.

Dodge, block, or other percentage-based mechanics aren’t good if you don’t have the HP to accept a full-damage hit every now and then and the means to recover.

It’s ALL my characters, and I have one of each. The amount of damage a bow does to any of them is incredibly high

So either it’s overtuned, or I’m missing some sort of resistance.

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I can say, they hit hard.

I have played a paladin a couple of days ago with high damage reduction and ~150 hp regeneration per second. While I was tanky enough to take some beating and dispatch them, I could not outtank a group of them for long.

On the other hand, I never really had a problem surviving in that area during the campaign. With most characters, which are less tanky, I actively move out of the way of most projectiles. With melee chars, I heavily rely on traversal skills to close the gap, or I walk zigzag to avoid getting hit too much. Ranged characters just wait for a short window of opportunity before blasting them away.

Maybe crit strike avoidance can help.

I can approve they are annoying as f…same like those ball things in ground who awake when you came closer to them. They can literally oneshot you with melee attack.

I tried different stats with health and crit avoidance even with armor and 80% block chance and still bows can gimme 1/3 hp per hit like absolutly nothing… Even normal attack from big scarab jumping on me dont do to much dmg

I can approve they are annoying as f…same like those ball things in ground who awake when you came closer to them. They can literally oneshot you with melee attack.

I tried different stats with health and crit avoidance on 100% even with armor and 80% block chance and still bows can gimme 1/3 hp per hit like absolutly nothing… Even normal attack from big scarab jumping on me dont do to much dmg

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