Is there any use for white items? I’ve had white and blue items filtered out for a while, but I’m starting to wonder if I shouldn’t turn the blues back on if they have some use in crafting.
Only if the blue has a useful affix you don’t have many shards of.
Whites can be useful very early on when you find a new base and can use a rune of discovery on them to get a better item than what you have. But that’s in the first 5-10 levels.
I set up filter on all my character to look for t4 and t5 blue items for affixes I want to hoard (i.e. hybrid health, penetrations, etc). And those specifically get RoR’ed.
White items… only during the campaign if you find a new basetype that is waaaay better than your current items base types. slam a Rune of Discovery on it.
Magic items can be very powerful, if they have 2 desired affixes.
If they have 1 desired affixes and another one and both are high enough tier try slamming a rune of discvoery and glyph of chaos a couple of times. Also onyl worth it if the base type at least is an upgrade.
Both of these methods will become worse the further you progress the game.
But a magic item with 2 desired affixes that are already T3+ is probably still something you at least wanna try a Rune of Discovery on.