Any thoughts of adding sex to the class?

I don’t want to offend anyone, but it would be nice to have sex added to the game. i would like to be masculine bladedancer guy

It’s not that easy.
Adding more gender options increases the development costs, both in terms of money and time.
There are things that are far more important that they should focus on right now, purely cosmetic improvements of this kind are for when the game has a stable player base.

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I agree, however it is important to player base to be able to choose. I think that would attract more players to the game, only because everyone is tired of being told that choice what matters, but often there is no choice.

It isn’t in a genre where the average player cares about it. It is unlikely to do much to sales.

It will definitely, I have seen complaints about this regularly on the forum/discord
Now the real question is, will EHG be able to make a profit out of it ?
2 genders means 2 body types, means every uniques need to be twice as much ( a non class specific body armor will need 10 models/fitting !)
Some skills animations would probably have to be tweaked to match the different body type.
Thats a lot of extra work/money to spend. Not sure enough players will buy the game if it had that feature to make up that money.


There have already been lots of posts about this, including big ones and ones where devs responded in the past.

Long story short is that gender choice will double the model/animations required (and they haven’t yet finished all of them for the ones we do have). It’s something they have said they want to do, it’s just not a priority for now.

It will eventually come to LE, but probably not for a while.


Yes! Adding some sex in the gameplay is always good :slight_smile: I had exactly the same thoughts when played LE and saw some sexy monster.


Yeah, always add lots of sex, a brothel in every town… :stuck_out_tongue: /s
But we can go all the way too, let’s not be limited, the Baldur’s Gate 3 route is also fine… I mean… even bears there!.. :stuck_out_tongue: /s

Plainly spoken and earnestly, gender choice is nice… but it’s simply not something which is easily achieved, takes loads of developer resources and is only for a fraction of people a dealbreaker. It’s even more substantial then creating the WASD animations, for far less return.

Might come in the future but it shouldn’t be expected anytime soon, other stuff is simply more important. Like persistent instances or end-game mechanics with the respective mobs there (that also take a substantial amount of animation work).

By the way, I thought about it and now i wonder, what would be if, for example EGH, would actually add sex for real? Just some boobs here and there, some erotic stuff when it’s appropriate, like hot naked goddess in the story. And option to turn on censorship, of course. In the one hand, in our prudery time, some people would associate it with something not professional and low quality game (though this is really stupid and absurd to think about it like that, but some people would regardless). But most players would like it, no? It wouldn’t matter much, because ARPG is about gameplay and loot, but still, I would probably add some erotic content if I would be developer, it would appeal to some players. Though I would think about it more first, not sure if it’s a good idea or not. But probably yes. What do you think?

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It wouldn’t actually add anything to the game and would be detrimental overall. If nothing else, it would bump age restriction up, so it would lock out a bunch of potential players.
And, like you said, it doesn’t matter to the players because this genre is about the gameplay loop.

Overall, it would repel a portion of the playerbase for no tangible return on something that is “foreign” to the game itself.

If you want erotic LE content, either wait until it’s big enough for rule 34 or for someone to make a mod for it.


Well yes, I think without the story being important part of the game, there is nothing even to add really. Maybe to make world slightly more alive.

I haven’t thought about this before, but it would honestly be a cool way to make LE stand out even more in the ARPG landscape. When looking at the 80s dark fantasy which is a big inspiration for the ARPG genre, sexual content wouldn’t be a bad fit at all

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What’s wrong with the male body? If there were only “boobs” and “naked goddesses” i wouldn’t like that.

Uh what… why the hell did I need to google that AND click on the first result’s link? :rofl:


Well, I was about to make a joke about how they should ‘Sex it up’ but I’m already too late.
Sheesh, it’s hard to be the class clown in this economy.

By the way, from what I understand, a game or any piece of media is ONLY successful when it’s getting rule34’d …

So, I mean, who wants to help EHG being successful ?


Edit : Should I write Eterra-Orobyss fanfic titled Otherworldly Union and put that on a Patreon somewhere ?

Or should I be more practical and write a Maxroll article (with long descriptions and stat blocks) about what’s exactly in the underwears of each playable character, since that really interest a few people ? That’s content!


(…) The voluptuous Outcast Queen helped the wary sentinel to unbuckle his uniquely intricate belt, the Scavenger, and started to undress him like we pluck an osprix. The pants fell down and only a mighty Tier 7 Quarterstaff remained before her. “You are so perfectly rolled, my paladin.” she gasps.

(I hope it’s not too much and not against TOS ; I’ll delete it if that bothers anyone :stuck_out_tongue: )


So erotic can be ARPG-themed after all :rofl:

What annoys me the most isn’t the animations, it’s the dialogue.

One of the few unique story elements we get for each character is their spoken dialogue - how they see the world and the events happening in front of them.

If we had two genders per class, it would require twice the voice acting for each spoken line - which means, they likely would be even scarcer than they already are.

It’s also a request that I don’t really understand. The Last Epoch classes aren’t blank states in which players are expected to project themselves - they are characters with very specific storylines. Just like we couldn’t play the Witcher games with a female Geralt of Rivia or play Final Fantasy VII with a female Cloud, or play the Tomb Raider games with a male Lara Croft, it doesn’t make sense to me to want a female Wizard or a male Acolyte.

“Ah, but those aren’t ARPGs!”. Fine - in Path of Exile, can you play as a male Witch? How about a female Templar? Can you play as a male Warrior in the original Diablo? A male Sorcerer in DIablo II?

I can’t help but wonder if there isn’t a degree of misogyny in the requests to play as a male version of the Last Epoch’s female classes.


my take on diablo clones is i always PREFER if i can choose the gender of my class. but its a nice to have but not compulsory.

interestingly enough, i’ve been keyboard warrioring on POE forums about this topic for a while so i can give you a rundown on the common criticisms that i see posted

  1. Keep genderlock because I want each character to be unique and have indepth story
  2. Keep genderlock because of lore reasons for example amazons are all women so it doesnt make sense for amalezon.
  3. Keep genderlock because making new character models/voicelines will force devs to take valuable resources away from making new content for the game

my retorts would be

  1. character background and story are important but usually it really depends on the game genre and audience. kratos has a very rich character and story. but for diablo clones most players just want an excuse to kill stuff. even in diablo, the choice of the character chosen matters very little to the story as mostly everything plays out the exact same way with very minor differences. in fact it is becoming the norm that diablo clones end up referring to the player the same way for all classes. POE1 everyone ends up being referred to as “exile”. LE everyone ends up being called “travelor”. other diablo clones do this too.

in fact i would even point out that the more the game neglects the player character’s backstory, the better the story becomes. players get to live out their fantasies and imagine themselves as the protagonists of the game. this also applies to IRL resources where game devs can pour more resources into cutscenes and NPCs. like for in POE2, i m more invested to know more about Alva or Doryani rather than my own character. The NPCs in act 2 are pretty interesting too.

  1. I actually agree with this, but then its all up to the game devs to ensure that their lore allows character classes to exist in both sexes. amazons no longer is found in any newer diablo title and i can guess why.

  2. I also agree to this which I actually have 2 suggestions that deal with it. the first is to simply make players choose a class THEN select a character model. In LE’s case it would be something like letting me play as a Beastmaster but using the Acolyte model. The 2nd suggestion is for the devs to ditch the entire notion of unique character models and just let players choose a class and choose either male of female model.

In either suggestion the game devs dont need to spend too much resource to get things working as all the character models already exist. tho animation and model rigging still needs to be done.

A good compromise which a lot of genderlockers hate because they cant find a good retort.

It doesnt end there tho. The most brainrot argument I’ve ever heard against removing gender locking is:

I dont want politics in this game / I dont want this game to go woke / I dont need body positivity

For real.

Really grasping at straws. Their argument makes it sound like we want to become trannies and act out our sexual fantasies. I’m anti woke too actually but extreme anti woke people like that is just dumb.

to share. i m a guy and i like playing guy characters to live out my fantasy of being the protag. to that extent i would prefer it if the acolyte had a male version.

i have a friend. he’s also a guy. he likes playing female characters because “if i were to stare at a character model on screen for hundreds of hours, i rather it be staring at a female butt rather than a male one”. i find his reason compelling.

we both have our reasons and the reasons actually do not matter. giving players more options is alway better and players would prefer it.

as for LE i think all of us understand that the game is new and growing. it all goes back to “i would prefer if i had gender options, but not having it wont make me stop playing the game”

I will start this by saying that I’m not against genderlock. I am in the camp of your friend where, given the choice, I would rather choose a female model to look at for a period of time. Mostly, it doesn’t affect me.

However, in regard to this specific point, there is a good retort:
Your suggestion is to use the GD model, where you have 2 generic models and any class uses the same.
But I actually prefer the LE models, where the primalist is a beefy model, the rogue is a lithe one, etc. They make classes feel different and more special.

Ideally, we’d get something like D4, where each class has a different model and a gender choice. But, as has been pointed out, this does increase development for new stuff being added, even for gear, since the way a chest is modeled on a beefy character isn’t the same as on a scrawny one.

Besides, your compromise would have EHG (or GGG) throw away the models they already have, which seems like a waste.
I’d rather have it done properly than how GD did it. That doesn’t feel special at all.

EHG have already said they want to do it eventually. They haven’t yet finished everything for the current models, like chest armor renders. So I’d rather wait for a proper implementation.

Yeah, that’s just dumb. That’s just people projecting their own issues.

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