Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

I agree, I (probably) would have designed this with more options in mind where you can simply add new items to some tab or dropdown list, something like that.

But I worked as a software dev, and my boss wasn’t always willing to greenlight the reasonable approach but pushed for a solution that (short term) saved a few hours of work because of priorities.

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What would be the purpose for that?
How is that any different from people who do not wish to start over just continue playing in Legacy?
Arguments like “oh, legacy is a ghost town” do not work in this case, because guess what, normal Leagues in PoE also turn into ghost towns when they do End-League Events on “parallel servers”, and the same would happen if they did it here.

Also, this is a completely different matter… If there was no gold dupe back then, they probably wouldn’t be doing a cycle reset now.

No change in the ongoing economy for those still interested in it.

Access to stash tabs without needing to buy them again.

No culmination of gear from legacy + Cycle together for those which want to go from ‘zero to hero’ as it’s often the case with cycles/leagues/whatever.

That’s so so so often repeated above already…

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I mean, they could actually expand the existing stash tabs in legacy if you have bought more in cycle than you had there.

But aside from that, people don’t come in legacy broke, and their previously stored stuff is in remove only tabs. While you need a few new ones - buy them in legacy once, and you’re set for the future.

I still have several millions of gold from cycle 1.0, so this feels kind of a non-issue for me, and people complain more out of principle about it than actual problems.

Looks like you don’t want an answer as you don’t see any other points of view. But there are people playing in the cycle format that expected it to stay up until 1.2. Moving them to legacy before 1.2 isn’t what they want and isn’t necessary.

EHG too often makes the easiest solution rather than the best one.


I know, but it was specifically said to us they don’t intent to. People have urged for exactly that and the answer from EHG was ‘nah, we don’t see a reason to do that’ basically not realizing why that’s something people would want or even expect.

And it’s not a non-issue, for a CoF player this can be a quite decent time investment, not everyone runs through higher corruption or has lots of gold on the side. It can take a decent while to build up again, not to speak of ruining your whole sorting in the stash in the first place.

You’re mixing things up.
This is nothing like PoE end-of-league events, so there’s no reason for them to waste so much time and resources to provide a “parallel server” for the event.

The reset is not happening because they are providing an Event… The reset is happening because of the gold dupe. Two separate things.

I’m playing CoF this entire cycle, so I’m also very impacted by that reset, and certainly did not wish for a reset to happen so early, especially not without any consulting the player base…
I’m just able to see things for what they really are.

Which time?
Which resources?
The amount of instances created is what causes load, not the potential ways into those instances, it only defines who can access them. This causes no resource sink or time sink at all. The event is done anyway (so no resource sink) and the setup for exchanging cycles should also already be there (no time sink).

And yes, reset because of gold dupe.
Event because of reset.
That’s the line there.


Nice, I will play new Build this time. I already tried lich and necro now its time for warlock

Then why aren’t they “just” resetting the economy (though this does assume that they have the tools to do this & how would they treat accounts that have both MG & CoF)? And why didn’t they do this when the initial dupe happened rather than ~2 months down the line?

From the sound of it, the event is mainly a backend monitoring of how many undead you’ve killed, likely with cosmetics afterwards. Plus, sunk cost fallacy!

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There are already few people that play the game nowadays, if you split these people even more the market of the new cycle 1.1 reset will be hosted by 100 people, your thoughts process could work if the actual number of player are at least 10x, the problem is this same cycle reset, that simply is a excuse to carry this cycle for more time trying to give him a little push, but maybe will sort the contrary effect

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That’s up for EHG to respond, I make no decisions…
I’m just responding to the guys making confused statements like implying EHG should provide, maintain and monitor a parallel server for the event.
I was the first one to say in this thread that they should’ve made the reset as soon as they fixed the dupe.
As for an economy reset, how does that work? I don’t see how can they reset the economy without a full reset of the cycle, unless they reset only MG characters.

I really have no idea how this works, but I sure expect that providing and maintaining parallel servers might cost time and money… I don’t believe gaming companies are able to provide infinite parallel servers without spending both of those, especially not an indie, low budget one like EHG.

From where I’m standing, it looks more like: reset because of dupe, event because cycle dead.

Umh… you don’t need a parallel server for another ‘type’ of cycle? Legacy and Cycle likely already share the same machines as it makes simply sense.

The game loads instances individually, this is a difference to older games like World of Warcraft where the whole world was constantly loaded… and hence necessitated fixed amounts of server machines to handle it.
Nowadays many server structures function dynamically and you solely decide as a player which location you wanna connect to because of ping. Server count usage being handled depending on actual load.

lol, right?! :popcorn:

Edit: does this push back 1.2?

If that’s the reason they are much too late. They should have wiped the economy if they weren’t able to close the market fast enough and rollback the transactions. I seriously doubt many will return for this and some will stop playing because of it.

But they are splitting up the people that wanted to keep playing 1.1 and those getting a fresh reset.


I think that believe that this solution is made mostly for the gold dupe is really optimistic, in my opinion the reason is simple, seize the opportunity, and address the gold dupe as the major reason, to extend a bit longer this cycle, making a restart, with accelerate drop and reputation, to do what can be done in three months in one month, and hoping that someone can join again the game.

At least in my case probably will work, cause I want try the steam deck version, and because I’ve quit the cycle quite early, and I hope for some real QoL that can help the people to make alts in a more comfortable way

If that’s the reason then they’re shooting themselves in the foot.

GGG has done the exact same thing earlier in their lifetime until they intentionally stopped end-of-cycle events to keep their numbers up. It had a negative effect on the retention for follow-up new cycles there. People just need a bit of time to recuperate after playing a game, barely anyone stays ‘forever’, so they didn’t come back then and waited a whole cycle long instead.

It’s why all events nowadays are at the start of a cycle there and not at the end.

What I think is that EHG either missed that aspect or they’re trying to get disgruntled people from the debacle of having a dupe twice now back to see ‘all’s fine, we handled it’ despite the downsides it brings. Which is fine, would at least explain things.
Nonetheless… all of that stuff’s ‘too little too late’ sadly.

At least, this announcement was a mess for me. I was playing every night and enjoying it. Since the announcement, I am totally demotivated and I simply stopped playing because I do not want to loose my time for a character that will disappear in 2 weeks. I am so disappointed, that I am not sure to come back for this event. Perhaps, I will come back for 1.2… if I won’t start PoE 2 already…


So I just found out that my true offline character is Cloud Saved between PC and Steam Deck, will the official verified version allow my Loot Filters to be synced too? I set up a loot filter painstakingly on my Steam Deck and can’t access it on PC, and if I set one up on PC and I can’t access it on Steam Deck. Makes swapping between the two more difficult.

Edit: I was able to get the folders to sync between devices using Syncthing. DM me if you have any questions on how to get it set up!

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Once again…
Characters will not disappear. As well as gold, items, faction lvl etc. They’ll be in legacy with all event features switched on for them