Announcing 1.1 Refresh & Cycle Event - The Imperial Uprising

Online only I guess (hope)

To be more clear: It only affects the active ongoing cycle, not offline, not Legacy.

The event is for everyone I imagine, dunno if offline gets it.

I don’t mind a reset as I play Offline anyway as online has lagged and ran poorly since rings of power. Very few people playing now anyway.

Do you have children? Have you ever said something (in good faith) & then had to change your mind (again, in good faith)? Were you then “shitting on your kids” by having to change plans?

It just feels overblown. And also, in the real world, stuff does change.

I’ll take that.

Well, I assume they have to be able to move offline League characters to offline Standard, otherwise what’s the point of having offline League?

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No, I don’t, since I wouldn’t be able to support them properly.

I also did not, even if it led to a net negative for me. I upkeep my promises and make sure beforehand that I can do that.

The only situations where this happened was in my younger days, which have taught me what the outcome of doing that is and hence completely abolishing that.
I don’t give clear promises unless I know I can absolutely uphold them. Otherwise it hurts the people around me, and I’ve done my fair share of hurting people and getting hurt during my life. Those are the situations which should make you grow emotionally and adjust your behavior accordingly after all.

I play video games to not have to deal with the real world to be frank with you.
So those ‘overblown’ things are situations I don’t wanna deal with in social life, because it’s those things which frustrate me in social life. I don’t need them in my place where I go to unwind from the stress of those situations as well.

Would go counter to the goal.

There’s offline league? I thought offline was just… well… offline without leagues?
In that case they’ll likely also be moved I imagine.
I don’t play offline currently so I have actually no clue how it’s handled there.

Offlone does have cycle mode thag will also be starting fresh on September 19th.

Yes offline is affected by this mid cycle reset

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Then you have clearly not experienced the chaotic “joy” that is children. You can check & plan as much as you like but things will happen that 'cause the best laid plans (of mice & men) to go down the toilet. You can be as disappointed as you like, but you have to accept life as it happens.

Which is nice, but down here in the mud of reality, shit happens. I also said “till death do us part”…

As do most people.

There’s 2 types of offline, “proper” offline & offline-with-chat. I know offline-with-chat has leagues & they’re treated the same as online leagues, I don’t know about “proper” offline.

My understanding is both offline modes have a cycle mode.

If i remember correctly mike quoted me in a post about this when i was replying to someome saying there isnt offline cycle play.

Mike said they have offline cycle mode so that those that dont habe internet for whatever reason or very bad internet can still get the cycle play experience

So i would assume based off what mike said is true offline does have cycle play

Yeah, I assumed that both would & the only difference between the two is chat (or the lack thereof) but I wasn’t sure.

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As other people have said, the cycle reset is not linked to the event (although EHG_Steve does try to make it sound that way).
They clearly want a full cycle reset, for undisclosed reasons, most likely being the mess in the economy. Yes, I have read the “why a refresh” section, but the arguments don’t make any sense. No need to refresh to implement QoL stuff or Loot Lizards.

They only added a so-called “event” as a way to mask it, and to give increased drops to new characters to make up for lost time.


If you don’t consider the world as clearly defined in black and white, in for or against something, then those imaginary lanes some people draw mean nothing to you.

I can agree mostly with people and still call them out for what I consider bullshit.

The point is good, but I don’t think it applies here. I don’t see a reason they had to change their mind about this.

That’s a noble goal, but not how life works for many of us. Only if people keep their life undercomplex and strictly regulated, they might be able to do it. I have a severely disabled wife. Once in a while I have to break my promises (let’s say a set time for a D&D session) because I have to take care of her. Or I had a job that called for overtime when a critical bug was detected.

Aren’t you one of those who demand that EHG staff is ready to jump in round around the clock if shit happens? Could be wrong, I know some of those people are in this forum. Well, overtime to fix bugs usually means some broken promise.

And I have people rather break promises (let’s meet on saturday) than showing up in a bad mood because they do it just to uphold their promise.

All I ask for is that people don’t use shitty excuses/lies.

It might also give EHG a good test sample on how faster growth rates affect the game/economy in practice.


True, but in that case both stances have been mutually exclusive.

I’m also often playing ‘devil’s advocate’ and provide the flip-side of the coin simply to provide the stance of the flip-side rather then speaking of my own stance.
That’s switching between the lanes, you can do it well… but if ‘point a’ and ‘point b’ are mutually exclusive it becomes a problem.

You can’t advocate for something to be ‘appropriate’ if you find issues with it being done as a basis, those stances ‘clash’, you can’t combine em. Either you do or you don’t, then it comes down to the details, which is fine.

What you can do though is saying ‘this is fine for people with a proclivity for ‘x’ and that other thing is fine for people with a proclivity for ‘y’’ which is utterly fine, you’re also detailing how the position of someone else is despite not being in the position yourself. Some details might be missed but you showcase a understanding up what it’s about in general. Which is not only fine but sought after.

I do make it clear that my appointments have a inherent chance to fall through nowadays. ‘Wanna meet at ‘xyz’?’ generally is given an answer by me with ‘currently I’m in the mood, I can’t guarantee it though, it’s likely.’ and I don’t give a clear-cut answer. That’s the best I can provide, some are fine with it, others aren’t.

Oh, absolutely! Which is why I don’t make those promises in the first play. ‘I’ll try to come’ is the best you’ll get from me. Got a important date coming up? I’ll more likely show up since it’s important for you, but if it’s negative for me (and probably ruining your enjoyment too) I simply won’t do it.

What I expect is for promises to be given the respect and weight they deserve and hence going through with it.
Trust is hard earned and easily lost. You can’t trust me with some things and I won’t put on a false appearance of someone being able to put that trust into me in the first place. It’s a shortcoming of mine which either had to be tolerated or not. I give people the ability to make informed decisions about spending time with me simply, something which is quite rare nowadays.

Also I won’t demand the same things from a friend of mine which is a EMS driver as he can be called in should a shortage of drivers happen. I made sure to understand the circumstances and act accordingly.

In video games sadly this has become a norm to not be upheld. ‘We’re going to make a game with xyz’ and some points aren’t upheld instead.
I see no excuse for such things to happen.
‘Our cycles are 3-4 months’ and resetting after less then 3 month is inexcusable. Excusable would be ‘starting with the next cycle we’ll reset after half a cycle’, which informs me beforehand for the next time to choose taking part in it or not.
At no situation should I ever have to come into a situation where I’ll regret engaging with it.
Which is why I’m also for quite more strict rules in terms of law regarding software service products, like enforcing to provide each individual former version to players after progression through them. See ‘Factorio’ or ‘Minecraft’ for examples.

But that’s another topic. I take those things fairly serious as I’ve gotten ‘burnt’ several times already and hence simply don’t do it anymore, social standard or not.

Nice! This sounds great! I actually haven’t touched 1,1 yet, but if theres a reset coming anyways, I probably will now.

Have you read their terms and conditions? I think they have some caveats in there that boil down to “we will try to do what we say, but we don’t make promises. We can change or terminate this game or parts of this game as we like.”

Is it good when this happens? Hell, no. But the warnings are out there.

And do you happen to know where they announced the 3 to 4 months for the next cycle? It’s not in their official 1.1 announcement post nor in the 1.1 patch notes, at least I couldn’t find it with a bit of searching. Was it a general statement in some dev stream? Or is this something people only assume because PoE does it that way?

If we use semantics like “I try to be there”, then we should really study the semantics of what EHG actually wrote (or said on stream), and where they wrote it. Maybe it was “we aim for a cycle length of 3 to 4 months” or something like that. Well, if you aim, you miss sometimes ^^


It was mentioned by Mike in his streams.

3-4 months while the first ones might be delayed further to get things into order.
Much like the 300 corruption aspect comes from Mike… and many many more things.

The issue is you can’t remove his influence on the game through the streams since EHG doesn’t provide official statements otherwise, which they should, things need to be clear-cut.
Mike’s our major avenue of communication… which I’ve always found problematic.
There’s a reason why a big amount of interviews happen for other games of the genre where questions will be answered, as well as things like Path of Exile’s Development Manifestos.

The aim was for 3-4 months, absolutely right there! 100% so.
With a notion for it taking longer.
At no time was even an inkling of reduction mentioned, which puts the expectation at ‘minimum 3 months’ and that’s what they got to work with.

And the ‘we don’t know yet’ answer is too late when things are already ongoing, you gotta make sure to have a plan beforehand, so it wouldn’t be an excuse either. The second 1.0 rolls around you should’ve a general aim and provide the cave-eat (which they did) and then stick to that. If it adjusts provide the information beforehand so people can properly align with it.
You don’t interfere with ongoing things though, you put them forward when the next cycle happens. That’s your avenue for changing things majorly. QoL changes, UI and similar things are open anytime, as they should be.

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Another person answered later with right arguments(I was expecting to hear about tabs), but not you.
See no reason in this conversation with you. Good luck

They have their official announcement and news sections in this forum.
Things don’t need to be clear-cut – you want them to be, as you probably don’t like unspecifics.

So, we don’t have an official statement that says a cycle lasts 3 to 4 months? Then why blowing this out of proportion, using phrasings like ‘screwing people over’?


Oh, I’m very much of the opposite stance there.
Things absolutely do need to be clear, and it has been proven with other games as well. Factorio, Starbound, Path of Exile are quite good examples of how communication has a positive impact… especially Factorio.

And yes, I don’t like unspecifics, not all too surprising there I would say :stuck_out_tongue:

And we absolutely do have a official statement, which is - as mentioned - Mike :slight_smile: He said that’s what they’re going with, hence that was a official information through an insider channel from the developers.

Which is also the reason why I’m saying that Mike providing those infos during his streams is a general issue, because sidetracked by playing stuff can be said which causes problems… and it regularly does.
I hold him in high honors for doing what he does, nonetheless it’s a bit unprofessional as he basically takes over the job which proper interviews - that also get linked to the official site - should provide. A shortcoming GGG also has, lacking to link their interviews properly so players have to piece stuff together in bits and bobs.

Never forget… everyone who works at a company and provides information from the inside is ‘a official channel’… unless reprimanded and enforced to not talk about things furthermore :slight_smile: That’s why companies often don’t allow people to provide information outside, because it’s not controlled and properly articulating oneself without leaving a lot of leeway for misinterpretation is something people after all study years long to achieve even an inkling of.

If they would only reset gold I would not come back.
I’m coming back for the fresh start, that’s the main point of resets. The current gear is the part of the economy and just gold reset isn’t enough.

I don’t understand issues of these who complain. Just play in legacy if length of cycle is such of big deal.
Majority of players done with the league already. Fresh start is a good decision.

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How is this proven, by what objective metric have you validated this statement? Has every game where not everything was clear-cut at every step of the way failed? While good communication has a positive impact, I wholeheartedly agree, not every positive impact is a necessity, and not every negative impact is a disaster.

PoE, for example, had several leagues that were a bit shorter than 3 months.

I strongly disagree there, this is a ridiculous statement. If I break my NDA and mention stuff I should not, I am still not making official statements for the publisher I work for. They have PR folks, newsletters, or official social media channels etc for official statements. If it is not over an official channel from an authorized person, it is unofficial, simply as that.