An Update on Our Road to 1.0

In this day and age of early access, “full release” is a word that is losing its meaning.

Now it has more meaning at massage parlors.

Even after this symbolic day… the game will continue to evolve.


so the rogues a girl? neat!

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Getting it right is better than just getting it out (even though I’d love to see it hit 1.0).

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Thank you for the update! Take your time, this game is awesome so far, no need to rush it. I think $35 is a great price point!

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200% behind the decision to push the game out when it’s ready. Personally, all I need is multiplayer and the game is considered 1.0 in my mind :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

But like @Tibone I was caught by surprise about the price change and what that would signal for the future monetization model for the game. Looking forward to understand more on that.

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Yeah every time someone stops by my streams I recommend the game. I’m already getting close to 200 hours of playtime and I’ve only done a very small fraction of the stuff I want to do in the game. People spend around the same amount of money to see a couple movies which is around 4 hours of entertainment and they don’t even get to control anything in the movie like we do in the game!


Just take your time.

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Thank you for not rushing the game out! You guys have done a lot of incredible work so far and if taking more times means the game will be even better than please do so.

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First of all. we need chinese please…

This will be worth the wait, take your time

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Much better to ensure you have time to get things to a good state for release, rather than putting out something half-baked with the “release” tag on it.

Keep up the good work.

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Much Respect earned from that comment!! Thank you for holding this a bit longer. Well Done!


Great call!


This is fantastic news, I was just considering yesterday how you guys would be able to add everything you wanted to before the end of 2020 and I think this is a great decision :smiley: totally respect the decision and commend you on it! Will be happy to play and test more and patiently wait for an awesome and well timed release <3

The only thing I’d like to ask for in relation to this news, would be that maybe push up the multiplayer aspect as I know that would get most of my friends into this game that haven’t already gotten into it, and I know it’s the one thing holding quite a few people back from buying it. The price tag does not seem to be an issue in my circle of friends so I don’t think there is a problem there. Also multiplayer would help make the game feel less lonely some times, and help us daily players feel a bit better too.

Thank you for an awesome game, and look forward to all the new content and updates in the meantime til release!

That’s good to hear :slight_smile: and a step in the right direction. #multiplayerxmas2020 :D.

ok fine. and thx for all

Good stuff, the game seems to be coming along nice. Just keep at it.

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I know I’m just the latest in a thread of unanimous support for this decision, but I still think it important to illustrate how much the community supports this decision. Last Epoch has come so far since many of us backed it, and I know I’m not alone in my belief that the team taking the time they feel they need will only result in the best product possible.

Thanks again for all the hard work, and for doing your part to keep the ARPG genre alive, evolving, and flourishing.

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Expected. You guys are doing a great job, its a marathon not a sprint.

Do the guys have any plans on updating the early access forecast at all?
