An Open Letter to EHG

Wait I’m a boomer? That’s crazy I was today years old when I learned that. Thank you.

I understand the desire to prostrate oneself to the devs etc, LE is one of my favourite games - but this is 100% going to cost them players. A lot.

People paid for the game, 12 hours post launch approx and it isn’t even close to working smoothly - they have a right to complain, and should. Being patient is nice and all, but completely bending over and literally calling all negative feedback ‘hate’ is kinda spineless.


stuck on infinite loading screens, yeah great job guys keep up the good work!!

Admittedly my choice to use the word “hate” was over the top. Sorry. But here’s my point. You bitching, complaining, whatever more appropriate term you want to fill in here, is not helping. Don’t you think they know there’s a problem? So, by everyone coming here and making a million threads to complain – is it because they just want to complain to let off steam? And everyone is safe in their comfy computer chairs and would never do this in person. Let’s be clear about that.

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They’re probably going above and beyond with overtime right now. So yeah, anyone with a heart will be thankful for them doing that.

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This post (not the OP) but the replies is what is wrong with society, this is an online game and apart from the last month or so has little to no hype, so the project woudlnt’ have even come close to thinking this level of playesr would be jumping on.
If you work in IT you would realise its not simply hardware, there is a million and 1 othert things you have to harden that dont just happen in 1-2 hours.
Being honest those complaints about 12hours and still issues, get over yourselves this is nothing, even the behemouths of online game play “Blizz” had almost 48 hours of unplayable servers on the release of TBC / Wow Classic so again get over yourselves.
And again, i wonder how many people who are complaining in this post and mulitiude of other posts have been around when they wanted to test systems and load.

Could things have gone better sure 100% but dont play the wah wah wah i want my toys act like a bloody grown up its less than 1 day since launch

Devs- i dont envy you, but the infrastructure team i envy you even less


I put in a good 5 hours yesterday I think, had a blast and will be putting in more hours this evening. I do hope they get the server issues corrected today, especially with Twitch drops. I know a lot of people wanted to get on and try and the CCU would have been probably double what we saw. Keep up the good work team, I know the stress I’ve pulled a few 48hr shifts in my day.

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Having a blast so far. Thanks!

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There are lots of things in life we don’t need to do. We don’t have to compliment people. We don’t have to tell our kids we love them. We don’t need to help those that need it.
But doing things when you don’t need to says a lot about a person. And those dismissing someone doing so says a lot about them



Zoning getting better. Please continue your hard work


Very well said. You echo my sentiments exactly and it’s why I started this thread.

The latest patch fixes many bugs. Thanks so much, devs!

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love when people are expecting no problems on launch

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TBH - I have not seen a lot of hate. This is probably a top 10 disaster lauch that I have ever seen and most people get its a small company and appreciate the game enough to be patient.

Of course there are some people that are expressing anger, but overall its been quire civil compared to other situations.

Oh there are certainly some unsavoury comments for sure which no game devs should have to put up with, but fair criticism is deserved.

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wow these forums are terrible that was not a response to you… apparently you can’t reply to replies??? what the actual hell

Welcome to aRPG launches, they never go “smoothly”. D3’s was a massive cluster fuck & Blizz had done this before…

This is true, but there’s legitimate complaints & then there’s being a massive bellend.

The OP never said all negative feedback was hate. Personally I’d call death threats & the life hate, plus there’s a very big difference between constructive criticism/feedback & hate. Calling people shit & saying that they’re bad at their job & should be fired is definitely in the latter camp for me. Maybe you’d think that kind of abuse is ok in a civilised society, but I don’t.

Yeah, how one says it is as important as what one says.

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The 190K players who quit in the last month and a half are not behind you.
This game is broken and they are not fixing it.