Hello everyone! I’m a returning player and I’m excited to see all the new stuff that I have missed and it appears that the devs keep doing a good job with this game. I’m tinkering with some builds of my own and while trying to min-max, an idea stroke my mind:
Triggered skills are a thing in Last Epoch. And by “triggered skills”, I mean skills that belong to your character and are triggered through other skills or items (honestly I don’t know any items that trigger skills, but nvm -you get the point-). So my idea is the game to give us (through some kind of special side-quest or dungeon or sth) up to two more specialization slots for triggered skills specifically that can have up to 8-10 assignable skill points; and when you don’t need the slots for the triggered skills, that quest can give you skill points instead (like 3-4).
Now I know that something like this will change drastically the overall balance of the game, but Last Epoch is fresh and the balance will change sooner or later from the content that will be added over time.
I know, this is an unusual suggestion, but think of it; it can be very interesting.