Ambitions of an Erased Acolyte Question

When a nearby enemy or ally dies you gain ward equal to #% to #% of its maximum health (2 second cooldown). Ctrl+Alt additional info = Range 4% to 6%.

I’m not sure how to read this, is it an error or can someone help unconfuse me? One I have (yes I have others but this is an example) has a range of 2%-5%. How does this fit into the “Range” of 4-6%? Am I missing something? I couldn’t find a post on this so I can’t tell if anyone else has asked the question or if it’s a bug that’s already been reported.


It is a 2% - (4-6%) roll.

So only the maximum % is a roll

Ah, so the low end is fixed. This is probably something that should be clearer to the player.

Thanks Heavy!

I believe if you crtl-atl (or whatever the keys are to see stat ranges), only the high end shows a variance, and might even be in a different color (iirc).

The info in the item is actually confusing. I can understand how the OP had some doubts.

If you hit only Alt (Mod explanation) it will show only 4%-6%, but considering the range is in the middle of the text and says 2% to 5%, that’s not really helpful.
As seen here.

And when you hit Ctrl+Alt, which should tell roll info, it doesn’t even show that.
As seen here.

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Yeah, that’s weird. Why was I remembering that variable stats were shown in a different color. Maybe I’m thinking of another game…

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No, normally they are pretty clear but that one isn’t.