Am i blind or is there no league cosmetic achievements / battle pass?

just double checking, there is no cosmetic achievements like D4 and POE have right? no battle pass that i missed out on to unlock this or that i.e. go through 30 levels of unlocks to get these free cosmetics, titles and premium for more cosmetics and titles etc?

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There aren’t, no. It’s also a bit of a devisive subject given you pay for the game & EHG aren’t as greedy/obsessed with our wallets as Blizz.

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i see. well a free cosmetic achievement reward system/track would be cool for doing the harbingers and beating the pinnacle. i know there is the “bragging rights is enough” group but after all these years I think cosmetics are cool. especially glowies. :rofl:

Your assumptions are correct.

I like the game even though I feel it has quite a way to go and would like to give money here and there to support the endeavor but character customization in general and cosmetics are currently very lacking. I CERTAINLY play for other reasons. Would like to give more here and there for their effort but apparently they are too golden to need the financial help?

Look forward to character choice/prettymization but for now, I play this game soley for skill customization.

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Yeah, I’d be very surprised if something like that weren’t added at some point, especially, IMO, similar to PoE’s original league achievements/mtx rather than the current battle pass.

Mostly we don’t have this yet (and like won’t until 1.5) because the devs aren’t adding “cycle mechanics”. They’re adding core mechanics. So currently cycle and legacy are the exact same, other than leaderboards and fresh start.
Once they finish adding all the core mechanics to the game, they will likely start doing cycle-exclusive content, even if they don’t know what they want for that yet (that’s what Mike has said so far, anyway).

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Yes, There’s bragging right, which is fine.

1-time MTX for example to beat specific content is nice.

Also for leaderboards, fine.

Anything else besides competition specific rewards are a hard ‘no’ for me, for example the challenges during leagues which Path of Exile gives are something I utterly detest. They’re not achievable for someone with low amounts of time for ‘whatever’ reason, no matter how dedicated they are to the game. So it either enforces them to ignore those or put unhealthy amounts of time they can’t afford into the game.

Not my thing, active negative point, much like any other times digital content that’s only available for a limited time, it’s digital… there’s no reason for limited availability unless it’s a specific functionality to reproduce scarcity which directly benefits the customers and not the developers to do so.

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well definitely check out the new POE league because the weapon and back attachment achievements appear to be the first 10 -15 achievements. and there isn’t any more achievements. Yes i know what you mean in all the other leagues POE would backload the cosmetics onto the hardest things in the world like “kill 500 uber mages while on fire and juggling 3 other types of blah blah blah” or kill uber maiven without getting hit or hard crap like that hahah.

But this league they dont appear to be offering armor cosmetics, seems like weapon will cosmetics and the good stuff is at the front end and the stuff like the base/housing stuff is on the back end.

so give it a try hopefully it will be easy to get the weap and back attachment in the first 10-15 achievements which are easier to get

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I generally dislike ‘seasonal rewards’ and the likes. Same with daily logins, weekly logins, daily quests, weekly quests and so on.

There’s a reason why of all places in the world china actually moves along to forbid those… ‘the’ country which is massive in those business practices. I dislike practices which basically enforce FOMO as much as possible.

But yes, the decent ones being more front-loaded is already a good start… but why have them limited anyway? GGG could just create more and more challenges as time progresses and allow people to unlock those things… no need to tie it to a limited time, same with supporter packs or core packs, they’re just a bad marketing practice in my eye (for the customer, for GGG they’re 100% absolutely amazing).

And I’m definitely going to try the new league there given the massive changes, I want to compare Last Epoch and upsides/downsides properly with the new state after all :slight_smile: