Allow stash tabs to be movable between categories -- already done oops

I have 11 tabs in my initial category, containing a mix of uniques and gears for 3 classes. I thought it’d be helpful to create multiple categories, basically one per class and one for uniques.

So I created the extra categories for a couple hundred K gold, and … oops. The tabs can’t be moved out of their category? What?

I’m not prescient enough to figure out how I want to manage my stash tab!

Please fix when you can. Thanks.

Oh LOL. The CONFIGURE TAB at the bottom allows me to move tabs around.

I suppose the design decision was not to allow dragging into category tabs as that’d cause the tab to disappear unexpectedly.

My bad. The current design is fine. NO CHANGE REQUESTED.

Can’t you also right-click the tab and move it to a different category?

Yup. You learn something new every day about LE. Today I learned several things!

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Not working for me. The tab does not move to the selected category.

I think the original first tab in the first category cannot be moved. The rest of them worked.

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