Allow Loot Filters to "tag" items?

We have loot filters that help determine which items we want to pickup; however, when I get back to the monolith after running an echo, I have no idea which items in my inventory are for what purpose.

For example, I don’t know if the rare item in my inventory has an affix I want to shatter or is a base type I want to ascend. Likewise, I don’t know if the exalted item next to it has affixes to shatter, or if it is even a T6 or T7 exalted. I have to manually look… and a lot of times I simply just drop all the items on the monolith ground and then pick each up at a time to deal with it then.

Therefore, it would be nice if the Loot Filter could tag an item with useful tags like “shatter”, “ascend”, etc, so that when we are looking at the item in the inventory we can know immediately what we intended.

If tagging isn’t possible or EHG doesn’t like it; what about an option to have the loot filter also process the items in the inventory so that the nameplates change to the colors assigned in the loot filter?

Yes, this has been requested several times in the past, including loot filter working on both inventory and stash.
My understanding is that the main reasons this doesn’t happen is 1-performance issues; and 2-it’s not as simple as it sounds.

They do want to improve stash QoL and maybe there will be something in the future that allows this.

Until then, what I usually do is drop everything to the ground when I go to the stash so I can see the colors of the drops.