All LP drops cap at 600 corruption

I think most of the builds in this game can beat 1000 corruption if they are made by 2 iq individual.

It is true the game lacks true pinnacle bosses and end game content because I can’t say I have beat the game, an orobys at 1200 corruption is a nightmare with hundred billion hp and 20k dmg per hit which he can combine in such stupid ways that you cannot even dodge.

In most cases you cannot beat 1000 corruption for 2 reason.

  1. Your hands are claws and you cannot dodge monster attacks.
  2. You have not invested enough time and did not min max your gear (2-3-4LPS in all the slots, perfectly rolled idols).

The corruption slightly increase lp chance, idk where you get the 600 bs info from.
But who cares? 0.000000000001% or 0.0000000000011% doesn’t matter

Wow wow, easy here. I have perfectly fine hands. I just don’t playing some ward abusing damage stacking shit build acolyte/falconer/runemaster

Fixed it for you.

Unless they abuse Ward, most builds can not beat 1000 Corruption. Most Builds can’t even get close to 1000 Corruption.


Post a video of 1000 corruption Shaman for Cycle 1.

Damn… bro changed my mind with one paragraph.


I have seen hundreds of videos of various classes/builds beating 1000 corruption, yes most that go above 1000 use ward. I think you only need 1-2 items to add in your build to have plenty of ward.

You are terrible at maths, but I have made new post.

A guy researched corruption drop pool, and 100 corruption ended up with better LP drops than 1000.

Despite the game showing 120% rarity in one place and 1250% in another.

My build does no clear 1200 corruption based on “BROKEN WARD MECHANICS”. I cannot infact tank any mobs or any orobys cast. My ward exists but the gain far lower than the dps of any mobs on the maps.

The only reason I clear the monolith and bosses, is due to being glass cannon and DPS focused. I kill things before they are able to hit me. That is called skill. While you are wasting your time complaining about “Ward is broken omg”.

You missed the most important part. I repeat it doesn’t matter in terms of lp3-4 drop chance for rares

Probably less than 1% of the player base doing 1000corruption. Also some Masteries are 10x easier and cheaper to get to 1000 than others.

600 being the drop cap is perfect. 300 is what they said should be what a build strives for in the last live stream. Hopefully they don’t make over 600 ever give anything special.

They are assuming as a fact some bs they did see in some clickbait video. I did push to almost 2k and the loot is night and day better the more you push the corruption.

Someone in another even spoke of established mathematics behind these assertions, unfortunately I was not provided with anything concrete when I asked for some evidence. I would say that ‘trust me bro’ is the best we can get.

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with 2lp items for every single piece of gear you may be able to clear 500 corruption on every build, dot builds, and builds that use low damage skills to begin with are challenging if not impossible to scale in some cases with exception of torment- as it seems bugged, the uncapped necrotic resist is likely supposed to ONLY apply to the intial hit as written, i would expect that to be hot fixed

And what research did the guy perform? What was his methodology? Where did he gather the data? Is this crucial information published, and can his experiment be reproduced independently?

Or did the guy just produce BS?

Why dont you go and study, instead of sucking bs from your finger and making pointless hypothesis to tease your little ego.

I think he had 10 times more data than average hardcore player would ever play this game.

Since you’re probably referring to FrozenSentinel video just wanted to say two things:

Firstly EHG in their dev stream already disproven the statement people were making about “100 corruption better than 1000”

Second, FrozenSentinel video was about corruption effect on PROPHECIES.

Now that said, while EHG did say that 1000c is in fact better than 100c, it feels like they were talking about corruption and LP interaction and didn’t specify if Prophecies were accounted for, they probably did but the statement was understandably vague (since it was made Live).

Anyway, next time someone ask for the source of your info/claim please be civil and provide it, and for the love of god don’t use the information research of someone else out of context.


I am testinf this myself as i am running a modded offline test. I gotten several thousand LP items already in none corruption. By time i hit corrupted 100 i expect that to be somewhere around 20K.

Each enemy drops 4-16 uniques on kill depending on mod set up. I take samples of the drops randomly. Problem with lack of Lp filters means i got to do it manually.

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Yeah, since the OP posted a link to the video in another thread later, I watched the video. And it was targeted to prophecies. It was a good, concise video, explaining everything that I asked about. The creator even acknowledged the limitations of his test.

But, because I see people more often making claims or spreading rumours out of thin air with anecdotal ‘evidence’ at best, I asked about data and methodology.

And even if there is good research, some people will misrepresent the scope and findings.


It’s like the old joke where you get a study that finds that 23% of car crashes happen due to drunk drivers, so the conclusion is that sober drivers are the problem because they cause 77% of them. :laughing: