Ailment not applied on procs from skills


I found something that I believe is a bug. Not sure tho, can be intended but…

I think this includes all procs from skills and passive skills I will explain on simple 2 examples:

  1. In passive spellblade
    Wardens Echo (Chance to cast elemental burst on melee attack)
  • So lets say we have 100% global ignite chance, which means you should be able to apply 1stack of ignite with attack and 1stack of ignite with proc. (of Elemental Burst). However, this proc does not apply the stack. So only 1 stack from the attack is applied in the end.
  1. In skills specialization
    Enchant weapon → Burst of Fire (On hitting ignited enemy, causes Fire Burst)
  • the same scenario as Wardens Echo, proc. of this on hit effect will not apply ignite, so only 1 stack of ignite is applied and that is from attack

I believe this is gonna be the same with all the classes. However I am not sure if this is intended or bug.

Hope you have a nice day!

Welcome to the forums…

Cannot be sure what mechanic is involved in this particular instance but most of the time these kinds of ailment applications only apply to the actual attacks the character/minion makes not the secondary proc… i.e. it apply the ignite only on the melee hit, not on the elemental burst or Fire burst that was proc’d… If I were to guess, this is the likely mechanic at work here…

Not sure if this is intended or not…

Yes, this is exactly what I was trying to explain, but youve put it more simple.

That’s not what should be happening though. Dammitt’s site says the fire burst is a hit so it should apply any ailments. There’s no ailment called “fire burst ailment” like there is for Holy Aura’s flame burst so it’s more likely coded as a stack counter on the player rather than on a mob.

I assume the OP tried this on enemy mobs rather than on the dummy, since the dummy isn’t an enemy and therefore wouldn’t proc it.

Actually I noticed it while fighting mobs. So I tried it on mobs after too.

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I haven’t been able to reproduce this issue. Sources of global ignite chance were correctly applied to the Fire Burst from Enchant Weapon and the Elemental Burst from Warden’s Echo.
What source of global ignite chance did you use?

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