Ailment DPS seems incorrect

I mean currently DPS tooltip displays effective ailment DPS, however increased duration is accounted via smth like (1 + incDuration / ailment.duration) multiplier which is wrong, it should be (1 + incDuration) multiplier instead.

For example. if you have 100% chance to bleed, then you deal X bleed damage over 4 seconds. Tooltip DPS accounts for this damage not as X / duration * aps , but as X * aps which is a correct effective DPS, due to the fact that ailment stack applied on first second lasts till 4th second included. Basically every second there are 4 number of stacks and effectively ailment damage per second is (X / base duration) * duration, where duration is total duration, including increased duration mod. And if duration is doubled, then it basically doubles damage per second.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but If my math is valid, then increased duration mod should be accounted in DPS via (1 + incDuration) multiplier.

There’s also a matter regarding non stacking ailments, DPS of which is also seems to be incorrect right now, but that’s another topic unrelated to this one.

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I made a note of this.


That’s not correct, increasing the duration of a stacking DoT (not including poison due to the inherent shred) doesn’t increase the dps, it increases the total damage. So if your bleed is doing 10 damage per second for 4s, then adding a 25% increased duration modifier will make it do 10 damage per second for 5 seconds. I’ve tested this on the dummy & saw additional damage ticks after a “normal” bleed would have ended.

That (X * aps) would be the correct damage but not the correct dps. If you’re doing 10 damage over 4s & with 2 aps, your dps would be 10 / 4 * 1 not 10*1 You need to divide by the (actual/total) duration otherwise it’s never going to be a dps.

No, the duration of the DoT is irrelevant to the damage per second since it adds more seconds on to the duration of the DoT so the dps is always the same.

What you are describing is DPS in vacuum ignoring stacks that were already present. I was talking about effective DPS, and still stand by my math, which I consider correct. If you deal 1 tick of bleed damage every second for 4 seconds and apply a new stack every second, then starting from 4th second you’ll get effective bleed damage of 4 stacks.

P.S. disregarding the question about increased duration, the way I described dot DPS calc above is the way it’s currently calculated in the game. I suppose if you have any concerns with this logic, you should voice them to devs.

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Maybe I’m coming at it from a different direction then, you’d get the single stack dps correct (damage / duration) then multiply by the stacks on the target (% chance x hits/sec x duration x (1 + % increased duration)).

Yeah, so as you see for non stackable ailments increased duration is a multiplier. Double duration means double stacks for effective DoT DPS.

Yup, & I don’t think there are any duration modifiers for non-stackable DoTs (plague/spreading flames), I think they tend to have an effectiveness modifier which would also be a multiplier.

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