I have been trying to target farm a specific unique “Sunwreath” unique ring. Age of Winter is the target timeline to farm it in as apparently that timeline can drop Unique rings as part of the echo rewards. However, the icon shows a ring, but it states in the spiel “Unique item”, not necessarily a ring. What is the point of target farming specific slots if those slots can’t be target farmed like the resources say you can?? Not once has a ring dropped from any of those unique reward nodes in 3 days of farming. This is surely a bug??
It’s unfortunate that they went with the ring icon to represent any random unique since you get posts like this. There’s also nodes for unique rings, using the same icon.
has ANYONE been able to target farm this item at all? i’m starting to believe it’s a bug as well, been on it for 3 days (not continuously of course, just nights) and nothing, it feels like a bug i consistently get the other rings: tongue of the aberrant and the invoker rings; am i just wasting my time? it’s odd because DB says this is a common ring
I am in the same boat as you guys.
I am trying to target farm Oceareon (the rarest ring in the game) however the echos that have a ring icon for reward are giving random loot lol. I have not found a single echo that specifies that it will give me a unique ring as the reward.
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