Advanced Mastery Endgame System

Agree! I also wish some more love for throwing abilities.

i just wish this DLC kind of thing doesn’t allow damage and stuff to get outta hand
the diversity is great IF the power-level of things don’t become too crazy, like what happened in WOW

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definately need more skills… spellblade only has 3 melee skills… from where can we generate a whole lot of diversity???


Yes, that’s true. But as we can see on the right side of every mastery, there is so much room for new skills the devs can implement. I can imagine once the game fully releases we get a new skill every 5 mastery levels until level 50 which can be an ultimate skill for each mastery. I also would like to have maybe more then only one new skill per 5 mastery points.

Yeah, i think the new skills r being developed as we speak… Can’t wait to see them, cuz all 3 spellblade melee skills r pretty bad… Can’t deal half the damage my lich can deal… I need another skill!

Which is clearly why a spellblade with Shatter Strike got into high waves

That said, the spellblade does need more melee attacks & could do with more spell-related passive nodes (for mages to use if they want some of the spellblade skills & if you want to go “off piste” as a non-melee spellblade).

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spellblade can get high ward easily, so if u have the patience, it’s only a matter of time
the problem is, it is a lot slower then other builds
what i would like is this: less ward, more damage

true. But this is more a balancing thing, cause flame reave and shatter strike are actually really cool skills

thx, i hope so too :slight_smile:

has anyone ever used the skill system that was in RIFT?
i think that is one thing that they got right was the way it was done. mixing and matching skills from different subclasses inside of the same class. imagine if after x level you can then gain a sub mastery into a secondary mastery and you could then point into that class. but you couldn’t move more then 50% into the secondary and then say 25% into the third class. with maybe ultra rare items that allow you to add 25% to either the secondary or third classes??? just to bounce off what you wrote which i liked a lot. just wanted to bring up a class system i really loved. i thought it allowed alot of diversity into the game and was a good way to release DLC into the game by adding new subclasses etc or new classes all together with new subclasses.

Awesome idea! This definitely would spice up the whole progression. Have my vote!

This jumped directly into my mind: A skill that grands the ability to summon an item that replaces the item you are wearing. You can go different paths similar to the Manifest Armor:

  • Summon Shield
  • Summon Weapon (1h/2h)
  • Summon Helmet
  • Summon Armor
  • Summon Boots
  • Summon Gloves

Each Item you summon replaces the item you are wearing by a red/golden epic looking item that has the same stats as your item with X% increased stats.

This way the Forge Guard really can forge his items before a fight. Make it last a short amout of time with skillnodes that increase uptime the less items you summon. So If you have skilled that you can use all items it only lasts 4 seconds. Every item that is not replaces lengthens uptime by 1 second. So with for Example only gloves skilled you have 9 seconds uptime. Something like this :grin:


We don’t have the runemaster, but i’d like something different for the sorcerer.

  1. Master of the flux ( channeled/drain skills, mana management).
    You learnt to perfectly control your inner energy.

  2. Master of affinity (fire, lightning or cold bonus).
    Your lineage has a special connection with an element, making it easier to manipulate.

  3. Master of synergies (different elements working together).
    You understand the balance of elements in the universe and the power of their interactions.

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In the beginning RIFTs system was nice but changed badly over the lifespan of the game. Right now it’s boiled down to math and the meta is set in stone. In the beginning you had a lot of “WOW!” moments when you found nice stuff but like every other game the meta ruined the system. In LE I still can make 2-X viable builds out of one mastery tree and be a happy panda but in Rift there is simply only one way to go with every base class and if you don’t use said build you gimp yourself and your group.

Thanks! This is exactly what i meant how far you can go with this ‘‘advanced’’ system of masteries. I was just giving examples with numbers like inc dmg to 1hand/2hand to make it clear, but you pointed out the right way to make masteries more unique by adding new unique skills that fit to the class. This is a great example!


Yep, cool idea aswell! I was going to easy with fire, cold & lightning themes for sorc, but you definitly bring more unique playstyles for the mastery. I like it! Let’s see what the runemaster will bring us.

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The fire, ice, lightning is cool but the current tree already incite us to take that path.

I’ll try to think about other classes/mastery (but i have to play more different skills before). This post in an infernal pit for thoughts (it’s awesome :smiley: ).

Nevertheless, it’s quite difficult to offer something relevant without the third mastery though.

True, especially the Master of flux point you made for channeled skills is something i have missed out the whole time. Haha glad you like it. Phase 4 they mentioned to release runemaster right?

Yes, if they follow their initial plan. We’ll have 2 rogue masteries in phase 3. Then, The third missing masteries (warlock, falconer, runemaster) will be in phase 4 (we have time :slight_smile: ).

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man i can’t wait for rogue :smiley:


Do you really need to artificially bump your dead thread?