Additional/different CoF modifiers

Pretty simple in concept, maybe pretty hard to implement.

I’d like there to be modifiers that resulted in items dropping that are more targeted. Targeted toward your current class. Targeted to have affixes that synergize with the item’s implicits. Basically modifiers that make loot better, rather than just making more loot drop.

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Agreed. There are quite a few changes I’d like to see for CoF. More targeted farming options is definitely one of them.

Some other random changes that might be nice:

  • UI improvements. Lenses shouldn’t be items. I need quicker ways to check my prophecies and it’d be nice to be able to track them in the quest tracker. Some kind of indication of where you can complete the monster killing objectives.

  • Some kind of difficulty scaling for the rewards. As far as I can tell, the objective has no bearing on the reward. A quest to do a boss at 300 corruption can have the same rewards as a quest to go kill a campaign boss a few times.

  • In principle I like the idea of the game encouraging you to do a variety of content. In practice the issue is it’s pretty inefficient to take prophecies that can’t be completed together. Also, echoes have too much of the progression systems relative to other content, so it’s hard to justify running that other content even with prophecies. Aside from the loot/xp, you need to do echoes to get blessings and you need to do echoes to increase your corruption. So spending a bunch of time doing prohecies in dungeons or arena is kind of wasting time unless you want some very specific things out of them. Also, why am I ever getting sent to the campaign at endgame? What’s the point?

If you look at the trailer just before & around the 30s mark, there’s these square/rectangular things that seem linked to a node. To me, these look a bit like item slots (1x1 on the left, 1x2 on the top right) and they don’t have a x/y points frame below them like the rest of the web. The left one looks like a rune or sigil of some sort, maybe a 1.2 new thing, but the right one looks almost like a Wrongwrap or Marina’s if I’m reading those 5 pixels right.

So #TinfoilHatMoment
Could those be slots to adjust loot drops with?

This is likely true.

However they are independent of CoF.

Currently my issue with CoF is it feels like im spread sheeting prophecies and getting a billion items for doing very little content.

Id much rather an option to turn off prophecies in exchange for more ground loot. like I dunno, I much prefer CoF to MG. But I really just wanna kill monsters and not fuck around with the lens and prophecy system :frowning:

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True, but with the combo of the targetting and the CoF increased drop rate, it still sorta works, no?

I get the prophecies though, if there was a permanent favor->drops mode, I’ld probably take that as well once I have my build enablers on. maybe something to suggest for 1.3-4 ?

I couldn’t agree more, so glad you said this.

I’d like the prophecies to create a task/quest that you could follow. It’s kind of demented that you are heavily incented to farm for same/similar prophecies all at the same time, creating a loot shower (which makes it very clear how much stuff you have to get to drop to have a small chance for something good to drop). Also feels like it’s limiting in how good the prophecies can be.

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I love the CoF idea, but I personally hate prophecies. I already hated them in PoE and I still do in LE. The main reason why this is so is that they promote a “stop and go” playstyle that I dislike.

You farm favour, then you spend an hour rolling and rerolling prophecies until you’re somewhat happy with what you have. Then you go play the game. Usually you feel forced to jump around the different monoliths because it’s not likely that they’re all for the same one.

Then, when you do get the loot explosions, you spend a bunch of time examining the dozens of items that dropped. It’s not as bad for exalted gear, since your loot filter should take care of most, but for uniques that’s annoying. Though this particular issue is not a fault of the prophecy system itself, but of the loot filter, that makes it hard to properly filter the uniques.

And then, when you’re running low on prophecies, you go back and spend another hour rerolling them and starting the whole process once again.

I have once suggested an alternative system for CoF where you could target farm a bit more, by choosing stuff like “higher chance for minion affixes to drop”, “lower chance for melee affixes to drop”, “higher chance for wands to drop”, etc.
You could even make it into a tree and then you could sort of toggle things so your drops would be more useful without having to stop playing all the time to go roll stuff.


Wow. When you put it that way, I kind of hate prophecies also. You are a bad man. ( :rofl: )

Well said.

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Fully agreed.

There’s a reason why player choice is important, and CoF showcases it fairly well with the prophecy system.
The core system idea is great, also it functions. It could simply be better by letting the player far more heavily decide what they want, even if Favor cost rises accordingly.

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I agree with this, and DJ definitely made this point.

But I also strongly agree with DJ’s … chaffing at the the prophecies system itself. It’s way to clunky and requiring special focus.

I like what he said here,

And definitely they don’t need to do it exactly like this, but I’m just glad he suggested something with less … friction (i hate describing it like that, but because of GGG y’all know what it means)


Very good description of prophecies. I actually rarely use them anymore and sit on 700+k favour instead. Still i play CoF exclusively.
Some sort of “better loot” instead of “more loot” would be satisfying solution.