Adding ultrawhite items

Sorry for the controversial title first :sweat_smile:
I propose a new type of rarity called platinum, but how is it related to the title?
Well, it’s basically a white item but it has 2 features:

  • Has 50 forging potentials
  • Drop rate is extremely rare (same as drop rate of the likes of orian’s eyes, ravenous void, or 4lp uniques)

It’s something to chase for, good for crafting, drop like 1 item per week or even longer, and not too game breaking because it can’t have t6+ affixes to make into a legendary items.

What do you guys think?

What would be the point? You’d probably be significantly more likely to find the base that you want with 3-4 of the affixes that you want with 1 being exalted.


Late game high corruption, your description is true. But from starting a new char to the point before 200+ corruption, not so easy. And in case your current char doesn’t need such item, it’s always good to save it for the next alt.

You aren’t supposed to have your end game items from the start. People need to stop asking for things that subvert the crafting system.


End game items? In which alternate universe of LE is a 4 t5 item end game? Then what about 1 t6+ 3 t5, or even double triple t6+ items? And you forget that 4lp legendary? Sorry to say, a t20 item is barely touching the definition of end game items.
And boy, you think drop rate being extremely rare is the same as legendary dropping from the sky like d3?
As I say, you may get such item dropping for you like 1 item per week, or even longer, and now you tell me it is game breaking lol

But if they’re as rare as “orian’s eyes, ravenous void, or 4lp uniques” you won’t get them before you’re past the point that you need them & looking for exalted items instead. That’s why I don’t get the point. Either they have rarity that you suggest in which case they aren’t going to solve your purported problem or they significantly easier to get and they trivialise gearing (to an extent).

Edit: also, don’t forget that different people define “end game” differently. For some, all monos are end game (in which case t20 gear is “end game”), for others it’s empowered monos and t20 will likely still do but you may wish to upgrade if you want to push higher corruption. Plys, there is a difference between “end game gear” and “chase gear”.


Yes, I know. It may not be good for your current char but your alt can enjoy it.
Rarity I can suggest to slightly lower the rarity to between very rare and extremely rare. Maybe that will solve the issues hopefully without trivializing the game. I myself also don’t want the game being trivialized.
Well, unless this item can have a small chance to be crit on crafting to become a t6+ (unlike normal crafting of other rarities), then yes need to increase the rarity to be extremely rare and beyond.
As for endgame, I think quite many people agree with the consensus that it can run corruption 300+ smoothly. More casual players can call whatever endgame they like, because to them, completing diablo 2 in normal difficulty can also be called endgame, if you get what I mean.

The “end game” is infinitely scaling. 0 corruption and 300+ corruption is still on the same “end game”, they are just at different points in the end game grind. Some arbitrary corruption level of your choosing is not an accurate determination of what is “end game”.

T20 are the end game gear. Everything else beyond that is to push further or “chase”.

This is why people like you complain. You have such an incredibly narrow definition of what something is, based on your opinion, that you think the game is somehow broken. I would be more inclined to think that it is your perspective that is misaligned.

Arena and Monolith and Dungeons are currently the stated end game content. The devs haven’t gone further than that in narrowing what the definition of end game is.


No clear-cut definition will ever be given, either by this dev, or by the dev of any arpg. End game is purely a socially constructed goal agreed upon by the players.

And I don’t see what you think I’m complaining, even I myself don’t know that I’m complaining about something, but you know? And exactly which part of all my answers here that say “game is somehow broken”? Would be nice if you can point it out. The entire point of this rarity is something extra to have, not because something existing is broken. Your accusation is baseless.

And if you miss the entire big point that this rarity of item is extremely hard to drop, I don’t know what to say. You assume that players can get their full slots with this kind of items but no it’s not the case. After 1 week you’ll most likely get 1 of this item to make into a perfect t20 item for your build, the rest are possibly t20 but with quite some crappy affixes here and there.

The foundation of your request is based upon the current crafting system. I assume that the point in the crazy high FP you want on the item is to specifically avoid the RNG process of the crafting Glyphs and Runes. This suggestion of yours is no different than the 200+ comment thread of people complaining about the lack of total control and full success in the crafting system.

I also wasn’t trying to talk so specifically about you, but using you as an example of a larger group of people that have many opinions in common. Obviously everyone has their own nuance, but I still felt it was apt to group you in with the people that have an unfavorable opinion of the RNG, that is foundational to all aRPGs, but specifically in LE.


“End game” refers to the infinitely repeatable content that happens at the end of the game - after the campaign has been fully completed. That’s what it has always referred to. Since LE has no difficulties, the second you complete the campaign, you are in the end game. Do some people try to put arbitrary, “No True Scotsman”-like qualifiers on what the “real” end-game is? Yes. Does that change the actual meaning of the term? No.

@darkdeal is correct - Monos are the end game and T20+ is end game gear.


On the suggestion itself: This is the kind of idea that I really dislike seeing bandied around. I think it’s really disingenuous to debate its merits because it’s not a suggestion being made in good faith. As @Llama8 put it, the obvious intent behind it is nothing more than subverting the crafting system to achieve what is effectively an Item Editor.

getting a single item with 4 t5 items that are ALL what your build is looking for takes a lot of farming and crafting. Getting that for every slot takes even longer.

Yes, T20 items are end game. I usually only have one or two exalted items on my character by the time I get to empowered.

You can’t really craft, reliably, a white item to T15+ with only 50 FP. I think such item needs to be like a 100 FP and would still half of the time brick, due to back to back -20 FP crafts.

I went to the gambler on my Druid as I had terrible gear and wanted a rare chest and none available and I had no other Primalists and just hit monoliths. first chest rolled T1 str/ T1 health % with around 14-16 LP I then proceeded to hit 3 hope procs and a critical success - ended up with T3 Str / T2 Vitality / T4 hp% and T3 hp+ on a 35 level chest

Found a few exalted items with 41LP and got them to T21 with 5-8 LP left due to hope procs.

I seem to have good success by spamming the crafting button as quick as I can

If we take a look at the endgame we have everything above T12 is an endgame item because you can do all normal monos with it. If you add a tier here and there you can do empowered monos. If you are t18+ you can do high corroption runs. Exalts and legendarys aren’t needed for ANYTHING the game throws at you right now.

I have my fair share of problems with the crafting system in LE because it’s random af. The system thros stuff at you you can’t craft from a base no matter what therefor it’s inconsistend to me. Sure maybe our hero is a bonobo who don’t know the crafts and therefor makes shitty items or the needed tech is lost or whatever.
I’d love the way to pick a base and craft on it because I like the lazy no work involved approach from time to time or making items I have again and add a % here and there. They could simply revert the vendor and gambler update to have another option of worthwhile items and be done with it.

Last 20h of playtime: not one good item for the build I play… not even craftworthy not even 3 affixes I want on the item. Bad luck? Maybe who knows.

How would this benefit to the game?
What does it bring that will make us say “that’s a nice addition to the game”?

With that, I could craft an item that I would keep during the whole campaign, probably. But why? I’m happy when I find items during the campaign. And when it’s finished, I usually do at least the two first timelines with my campaign gear.

What a blank highly craftable item would do for me is probably ruin the excitement of finding items.


2 fallacies in your logical thinking:

  • High chance it never drops at all in your campaign, even if you have been through 4-5 alts playthru
  • How is finding such item once or twice per week ruining your excitement, I would love to hear? Excitement in drop comes from dropping that oh-so-rare item but is useful to you. Lacking either condition destroys the excitement. And ultrawhite items fulfil both conditions.

I call this bullshit. It’s you who are not commenting in good faith, putting false assumptions around. Yeah, 1-2 such items dropped per week and you call that an item editor. A 3-year-old child can come up with a better argument. Try again.

Anyway, the numbers I suggested are up for balancing: 50 and drop rate of extremely rare. There are tons of idea that can be used with this item type. E.g. crafting crit chance into t6/t7 (note, it’s just normal crafting crit like other items, coupling with the extremely low drop rate, it’s still in the balance range, not yet bonker imho)…

I freaking hate only-read-title people. They need to go back to school for another 12 years.

Get used to it. That’s this forum in a nutshell. Also, most ideas are typically shot down with numbers and stuff. Because everyone plays the same way. Didn’t you know?

I’m sorry but, reading your entire response, I see you’re getting aggressive and insultive. I will not respond any further. Have fun in game!

Reliably making mid-tier items, which is more difficult than crafting t21 items atm. Although, like I said 50 FP is too low for it. Not to mention you have to drop a good base. I think OP is being greatly conservative on the idea and in his iteration, it would be totaly useless.