Add Voice and get Rid of the Blocks Text

Simple. Game immersion is so much better with voice over. I want to care about the campaign and characters. Reading dialogue don’t cut it.

Diablo 3 was the best at this.


Yeah. That’s just something that improves with the scope of the project and money.

The devs have already confirmed that they’ll add way more voice acting for quests and stuff. It’s just something they do at the very end when they have the story and all dialogs ready. So the just need to hire voice actors once.

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Yes to adding voice, but no to getting rid of text.


To expound on this: “Keep my ability to skip it really, really fast, and I’m ok with it.”


I like when some games does the npc or story book speaking the text even when you close the dialogue box.

I was more going for it being an accessibility issue, but yeah that too.

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