Add Legendary Potential Filter

It would be really nice to have the ability to Filter by legendary potential (And Weaver). I read in a previous post about a year ago that it was purposely left out because it would remove the “wow” factor from getting Uniques. While that may hold true to a first time player and the early game it doesn’t hold up in the late game.
At high rank Circle of fortune you’re able to have a loot explosion of over 30 unique drops from completing a prophecy. It takes a decent amount of time to go through and mouse over every single item just for a hope of getting your helmet with high legendary potential. It slows the pace of the game and can get very frustrating from doing the mechanic.
Would be nice to get some feedback on this potential feature. Keep up the great work with Epoch and we’re excited to see new content in the future!


I am all for any and all item filter addition’s they’re willing to bless us with! :slight_smile:

That said, if they don’t want to add it as a QoL option for everyone due to this reasoning - perhaps replace the rank 9 CoF reward with a handful of additional filter options? :wink:

Or monetize it - would gladly pay $$ for a deluxe filtering module. LP, more color and minimap control, 10x the number of available rules, allow me to have multiple affix triggers per condition, if/then/or functionality, etc etc etc. Would be so much fun to take it super granular!!


No pay-to-filter. All other functionality for WW and LP filtering will really help

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agreed, it might get rid of the wow factor i guess but new players wont use an LP filter unless they need i think this should have been in the game from the start

Totally agree.

I could make 10 more accounts and upvote this but I am lazy. Have my +1 instead.

edit: Also add Forging Potential filter too.

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Don’t think I would use it BUT I see absolutely no reason to be against it… so, sure!

This would be an awesome addition having an LP filter

Saw this in another thread Please add legendary potential to loot filter ruleset - #2 by EHG_Mike that

This was actually very intentionally not added to the loot filter and as of right now, we don’t have any plans to add it.

Which I can’t understand at all, how does check 100 uniques and find out only 1 of them useful a good game experience at all?
If they are stubborn to not listen to players’ UX then I wish them fail just like Diablo 4.

Yeah, I wish there was that “wow” factor for drops like D2 had on us… Literally drugs, addicting as heck for no reason.

Agree, filter is definitely needed for LP,

Also, better searching in MG.