Actual faction idea thats realistic

Rubber banding only happening in towns though, I don’t think its my computer , pretty sure its the netcode issues of this game perhaps cause network latency is pretty low too. My disks are all flash too Nvme SSDs doesn’t get much better. I think they need to at least take a look. It happens to all my friends and our systems only vary by one or two generations.

Have you tried playing with the settings? There is a setting that sets what you cap your FPS on and such… Not sure how or if that would help for this type of game but yeah, never had rubberband issues… Of course i’m not counting the several times out of 300+ hours of gameplay I did.

Rubber banding has been in the game since 0.9 MP update. Not just in towns.

End game is really bad with this as well as FPS tanking to around 10fps at times.

Its a backend thing. FPS drops as well as lag/rubbet banding. Has been issues ever since 0.9 MP update.

Yea, I have messed with settings, updated graphics drivers to the latest, set FPS cap to 164 (1 bewlow my monitors max which is 165). Even disabled G-SYNC for a period of time. I dont really hang out in towns anymore other than the short but sweet visit to the observatory for buying prophecies.

In monos the game is smooth as butter so it might be some odd piece of code that only applies to towns. Ocassionally in monos the hard delays casting spells will force me to leave game. This is especially true after maybe an hour of playing in borderless window mode .

Lucky me then, haha.

That main one is the abundance of drops lagging, mainly happening on shrines for me.

Curious, are you on intel or AMD CPU?

This is my current build.
Runemaster, level 100 (Release / 1.0.3) - Last Epoch Build Planner (

It creates some really BRIGHT flashy novas which I wonder if they cause memory leaks cause after an hour of gaming with this build I have to sometimes restart the game.

I’m on intel.

As far as what is causing the memory leaks, i’m not sure, i thought it was just through long periods of time playing in general… Didn’t think to try to pinpoint but there has to be something that does it more than other, right? GL

Your error was ever stopping.